CDN/icecast relays
  • What CDN/icecat relays do your recommend?
  • 7 Comments sorted by
  • Hello! Where are you located? What's your format? And who is your target demo? Feel free to PM me directly!
  • I am located in australia
    I don't know how many people well be listening to the stream
    I am looking at using:
    •  opus
    • vorbis
    • mp3 or aac

  • Have you considered Airtime Pro:D
  • I looked at Airtime Pro, but I rejected it because we are going to be radio broadcasting also

    PS: I have found a CDN/icecast relay called Streamzilla
  • I do not understand the last post at all.

    I looked at the charges for Streamzilla - its 3x the monthly charge of my dedicated server - and you would still need a dedicated server.
    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • we are going to running a dedicated server in-house, we are looking at using streamzilla for web radio listeners because we don't want all of our upload bandwidth to be used by the web radio listeners

    sorry for not explain myself
    Post edited by Tom Sparks at 2014-07-24 04:56:44
  • Hi Tom,

    That's amazing...
    Streamzilla is a commercial brand of Jetstream aka VDO-X:

    which is supposed to be a company operating a hudge worldwide
    network, peering on all IX.

    My company is peering on France-IX and Lu-cIX, which are listed on
    their website, and we don't know about them...

    I think they are speaking of their upstream provider network as if it is their own network... ;)

    Further, if you make a search, you'll see that they don't even have
    IPs allocated in proper, may be just renting  a server or VM to

    If you just need a relay for your radio, drop me a mail, I'll send
    you a pass to connect to one of our Icecast servers for testing.


    Post edited by Frédéric Perrod at 2014-07-24 05:36:22
    Etheractis - Digital Online Media