Icecast2 not showing any mountpoint
  • Being a newbie to airtime streaming, i am unable to diagnose the issue.. kindly help me with that.

    Here are a few of my observations...
    1. there is no script in /etc/liquidsoap
    2. airtime-check-system says liquidsoap process PID, playout engine PID, media monitor PID failed
    3.-- Displaying log file /var/log/airtime/media-monitor/media-monitor.log
    268 ERROR - [Thread-1] [ : __init__()] : LINE 31 - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds
    273 INFO - [Thread-1] [ : init_rabbit_mq()] : LINE 36 - Initializing RabbitMQ message consumer...
    279 INFO - [Thread-1] [ : init_rabbit_mq()] : LINE 50 - Failed to initialize RabbitMQ consumer
    279 ERROR - [Thread-1] [ : init_rabbit_mq()] :LINE 51 - [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
    280 ERROR - [Thread-1] [ : __init__()] : LINE 31 - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds
    -- There appears to be a problem with your Airtime installation.

    4. RabbitMQ, liquidsoap, airtime, and icecast2 are installed and are up-to-date.

    I dont know how to interpret these and what other things to lookout for? Any help would be deeply appericiated. Thank you!! :)
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  • Always post this log

    sudo airtime-check-system

    For Troubleshooting,

    Its like a triage at an hospital where you are ask certain information about your profile,like name,age,etc.

    This give us an idea of what system you are on and what stop the system etc.

    We will then ask you further questions to solve (like seeing the doctor after the receptions who triage you)

    here is a write up on some steps you might want to consider as we go along

    * V.O.I.S.S.E.S.      *
    * Can You Hear Me Now *

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    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
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    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
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