I recently upgraded from 2.2 to 2.3.1 on Debian squeeze. Ever since we upgraded media monitor just stops running, even though if you ask airtime-check-system it is says its running fine with a process id. When I restart (sudo service airtime-media-monitor restart) media monitor it picks back up again and imports all the pending files. Checking /var/log/airtime/media_monitor/media_monitor.log there isn't anything weird and certainly there are no errors.
Has something changed with the media monitor in this version? currently I need to restart media monitor daily.
Could you please check the rabbitmq section in both /etc/airtime/airtime.conf and /etc/airtime/media-monitor.cfg? I'm guessing the rabbitmq settings do not equal in both files.
I'm running 2.5.1 on Ubuntu 12.04. I recently migrated the Ubuntu instance to KVM. Since then, I have had to keep restarting media monitor in order for uploaded files to appear in the library. I tried the above suggestion of setting rabbitmq_host is and restarted, but the problem still persists. I've included my media-monitor log file. Thanks.