The next code show me: Jane Stockwriter Jane\ Stockwriter Amerigo Vespucci Amerigo\ Vespucci Frank N. Stein Frank\ N.\ Stein Test Persona Test\ Persona James Q. Reporter James\ Q.\ Reporter Sarah Staffwriter Sarah\ Staffwriter
I print to debug With and without "\" but the next line doesnt work:
{{ list_articles length=5 ignore_publication="true" ignore_issue="true" ignore_section="true" constraints="author is $escapedName type is news" order="bypublishdate desc" }}
It doesnt show me Articles of each editor.
Another issue is how to get the twitter, bio atributes from each editor. Because i put $gimme->list_user->twitter or $gimme->list_user->anotherfields and it dont print it.
Full code is:
{{ list_users length=10 filter="editors" }}
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