Airtime on Debian
  • Hey Folks hope someone can help me, First I try and install via apt-get but I get an error

    Starting daemon monitor: monit.Restarting web server: apache2(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address listening sockets available, shutting downUnable to open logsAction 'start' failed.The Apache error log may have more information. failed!invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "restart" failed.dpkg: error processing airtime (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1configured to not write apport reports                                      Errors were encountered while processing: airtimeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    I think the problem is I am already running Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) using the httpd daemon which hosts multiple virtual hosts, the installation is trying to start a new daemon apache2 which cant bind to the localhost/port because of my current httpd process.?

    I even tried Downloading latest Airtime package ran install_minimal/airtime-install everything goes OK until I notice 

    *** Patching Python Libraries ***
     * Patching virtualenv libraries in /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.6

       ---Applying Patches for mutagen---
    patching file site-packages/mutagen/
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 205 (offset -4 lines).
    patching file site-packages/mutagen/
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 169 (offset -4 lines).
    * Checking for user pypo
     * Creating user pypo
    PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant __DIR__ - assumed '__DIR__' in /root/airtime-2.3.0/install_minimal/include/airtime-install.php on line 7
    PHP Warning:  require_once(__DIR__/AirtimeIni.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /root/airtime-2.3.0/install_minimal/include/airtime-install.php on line 7
    PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required '__DIR__/AirtimeIni.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /root/airtime-2.3.0/install_minimal/include/airtime-install.php on line 7
    There was an error during install. Exit code 255

    Is there a way to integrate Airtime installation with my current httpd daemon setup and not the apache2?

    Many thanks

  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • The current version simply isn't designed to work with anything but Apache. They're experimentally working on Nignx support, but it's not ready yet.
  • We will look into make the install independent of web server installed.
    Please stay tuned....

    On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Roger Wilco <<br />> wrote:

    > The current version simply isn't designed to work with anything but
    > Apache. They're experimentally working on Nignx support, but it's not ready
    > yet.
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    Hi Andrew, the apache2 daemon in Debian does support multiple virtual hosts, and this is the default install option for Airtime. It sounds like you may have a manual installation of Apache on your Debian box, is that the case? httpd is usually the same daemon as apache2 - it's just that Red Hat call Apache 2.x httpd and Debian/Ubuntu call it apache2. 

    I believe the issue is not directly with Airtime, but that automatic and manual installs of Apache cannot easily coexist on the same server because they both default to using port 80. Airtime depends on the automatically installed apache2 and the Debian package system is not expecting port 80 to be in use, because it does not keep track of any manually installed software.

    As for the problem with PHP, do you have a manual install of PHP? It should be php 5.3.0 or later to support Airtime, I believe this was the first version to have the __DIR__ feature.

