Is there something in particular that happens at some point every 24 hours since a new installation about the same time (in my case around 18:00) because I crash the whole server
I have a VPS under proxmox 2.0 with Ubuntu Server 12.04 and Airtime 2.2.0 2 cores, 5000 units and 2.5Go Ram
I notice the Disk Read IO go way up at that time for the last 2 days that I have it freshly installed. Its the only thing seem weird because at that point the server becomes inaccessible and so does airtime and i need to reset everything
memory and cpu seem fine and I am running top with a load at 0.15
bizarrely you seems to have problem with your python interpretor (look log) are your sure to install the right version of airtime for your distribution ? no errors during install ?