jingles problematic...
  • Vote Up4Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    Hi the team !

    with the new version to go (airtime 2.2) and the smart playlist (static or dynamic) how can we have jingles every 4 songs or 30 minutes ?
    that easy with the current version (2.1.3) but "quid" of the new one ?

    for the next version 2.3 have a jingle operator in mind ?
  • 32 Comments sorted by
  • Vote Up2Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    It sounds like you want a new section in Smart Block Options something like:

    Insert (x) items of (type) (y) every (z) (items/hours/minutes/seconds)

    If people interested in this feature could agree on what is required the community could begin working on it. For example there will be some GUI work to do and some modifications to the query used to create the smart block.


  • Insert (x) items of (type) (y) every (z) (items/hours/minutes/seconds)

    Sounds perfect only Airtime would also need to be set up to schedule up to the second (another very necessary option)
  • Powerful jingle and ad management is near the top of our list in priorities, and will be strongly considered for next release :)
    Airtime Pro Hosting: http://airtime.pro
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    really, really cool

    thanks for your answer Martin !
  • Hi there,
    any news on this?
  • Yes, that would certainly be a big help!
  • Hi guys, it would be helpful if you post news about this..

    Albert, what about the new version 2.3?? Jingles are the outcome of creativity! 

    The variety is the creativity, much same will be the Jingles. Go on..Give a way out to wonderful jingles.. Keep posting guys..
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    Hi Mark,

    we always waiting this feature, normally available for the next release 2.6 (I really hope)...
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    Daniel this is a recurrent demand (since 3 years ago !)
    a lot of bug/features on Jira are available to validate that

    and effectively add an option into smartblock would be nice, and exactly as you have do :

    (x) items of (type) (y) every (z) (items/hours/minutes/seconds) - See
    more at:
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Daniel JamesDaniel James
    Posts: 844Member, Sourcefabric Team
    I appreciate that a lot of people want this feature, so I'm proposing that we design it in this forum and do some research on exactly what is required to get it working. Then post the answers into the relevant ticket and maybe take a shot at coding it.

    In my opinion that is the best way to move these new features forward, as the core development team has to focus on stability and infrastructure fixes as its top priority. 


  • Cool while we are at it - I need Jingle /Advert insertion INSIDE a standard show mp3
    Example - most of my content arrives as like a continuous 50 minute chat show mp3 so pausing the stream and inserting station id would keep me legal.

    Post edited by John Chewter at 2013-12-04 13:39:05
    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    hi John

    Cut a continuous show could be problematic (for a lot of reasons). when exactly do you interrupt the show ?
    how to know when cut it ? etc.

    the proposal from Daniel is exactly the necessary, perhaps not exactly the perfection ;-)
    but the minimum mandatory (for legal diffusion in a lot of countries)
  • It is inconvenient or a potential 11,000 euro fine per incident

    Its easier for you guys playing lots of small files. Some of mine are 2 hours.

    Any suggestions welcome.

    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    I'm agree with you, we have the same "coercion" in France, but for avoid this, animators have the obligation to say the name of the radio 2 times by hour minimum.

    I'm understanding your problematic, but how do you want to find the good moment for inserting a jingle/advent automatically ?
  • My server is in France.

    I think I would do it by the clock and reduce volume of main stream and shout a quick ID over the top

    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    That's could be problematic if during this time your animator explain the sense of life, universe, and about the fish ;-)
  • SLATFATF! Albert FR

    No longer using Airtime or Libretime.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    42 John, 42 !
  • Hi Daniel, 

    This is definitely something needed. I thought a feature like this was supposed to make its way into 2.5 (as with the fallback), but I guess that's not the case. 
  • I ended up going into the Liquidsoap script, and had to have Voss's help to sort it out and get it working.  It's still not perfect, but it's a major pain not having scriptable fallback playlists and it's better than having to schedule every moment of airtime by hand like we were doing.
  • Like I explained most of the scripts are just to give you a basis on improvement.

    AutoDj , Jingle management and A sound (Jingles or Sweeper) panel is a little in depth as what I had to do was map it out in terms  of folder options first.

    I wanted to integrate it all in Airtime,but it was safer for me  to use a storage folder( backup )until @John Chewter point me to the watch folder and its benefits.

    This I have looked it and think there is lot of scope for implementation.

    Tell me what are the specific areas of concerned  and issue you see now @Krypton  Radio,so it can be highlighted in this forum.

    I have some recommendation that can improved your script significantly,but I await your issues .

    Think Airtime as you highlight these issues

    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.
  • Hi, Voss, thank you for your offer of help.

    One thing I'm having trouble with is that the hourly time isn't being read.  The code appears fine, and at one point I had it working, but it no longer does.

    I would also like to play the contents of a directory at a given hour of the day as well.  My thought was that the files might be named in such a way that a non-random playlist would play the files in a directory in a given order without having to build a playlist file to do this.  (If there's no easy way to do that, then obviously I can build a playlist to specify the order of files).

    I would also like to be able to have the LiquidSoap script wait until a cut was done playing and not interrupt a song, jingle or station ID.  Having it interrupt cuts the way it currently does sounds unpolished and glitchy.

    I have attached the modified segment of my ls_script.liq for you to look at.

  • Question 1.
    For the clock to work

    Move everything about the clock below the mixed rotation (I think its line 95) and used your syntax like this
    If you do not it will give you a variable error (you must move it below the variable mixed)

    mixed =

    # If you want a "duck-effect" whereby the time will play and the existing song seems to fade down
    try naming you times  and then amplify them like

    midnight_clock = amplify(3.0,midnight_oclock)
    so your switch lines becomes

    I found my script almost like yours.I think you will like this better than above,both work but this have a fade down and wonderful fade up.
    keep what you have  like this
    clocks = switch([ 
    Still move it below the mixed statement but add this

    mixed = smooth_add(normal=mixed,special=clocks)

    If you amplify it like I said you will like it

    Question 2.
    No way around that you have to create a playlist and make its mode= "normal".
    I use a php script that looks at the directory and generate a list,then I order it how I want it.

    Question 3.

    add this conservative=true, to your playlist, it basically prepare the next song in advance for a skip but will wait until the previous is finished

    Like this

    xminusone   = playlist(mode='random',conservative=true,"/srv/airtime/standby/xminusone")

    and put in the fallback  track-insensitive = true
    instead of false

    I have not tested Q3 but let me know

    Post edited by Voisses Tech at 2014-02-22 01:39:05
    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.
  • An Important Note to All
    Please always use (create) a new thread,and then make reference to the older post,no matter how your problem seems similar to the old post.


    New Topic    I cannot connect to Airtime
    Body         In  http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/xxxxx/mixxx not connected,
                 I am having now a similar problem,please can you help

    The Reason why I ask this is.
    • On mobile devices it creates problem for me to have to scroll to find your problem
    • Sometimes your problem are unique to you and its best express by your own experience
    •  Most times the old problem might have been solved and therefore it may no longer be an issue

    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.
  • oops wrong thread,I a answering a next question instead of this one
    Post edited by Voisses Tech at 2014-02-20 22:04:31
    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    lol ;-)
  • Thanks for all your help, Voisses, I managed to get everything working more or less the way I want it - though crossfades would be nice, I think I can patch that in later.  For right now, I have my hourly time announcement (which I did not want played over top of the running music) and jingles playing at the right ratios.

    I'm going to have to figure out how to play station IDs and jingles at certain times within each hour now, rather than try to have Liquidsoap figure out ratios of songs to jingles for me.  Letting Liquidsoap make these decisions based on ratios is proving to be a bit less controllable than I'd like, but with what you've taught me, I can now fix this myself!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator

    We are a lot to do that today, I hope to see jingles integrations into the next versions (ASAP)...
    vote for it on the bug tracker :-)
  • @Krypton Radio suggest:

    "though crossfades would be nice, I think I can patch that in later"

    Okay,if you go for crossfades you will waste precious time.Here is what crossfades does.It replace one of the same source with another from the same source. Like if you had two songs already on a turntable and you slide over to the next.More like if your were playing songs from the source xminusone then crossfade would be between two songs in that playlist.

    What you really want is to add a new song from a new source(clock,jingles etc) on top of xminusone (say playing at 0dbs)  ie fade out xminusone to  -35dbs  at the same time  fade in clock to 0dbs.

    add  or smoothadd is the way to achieve this.

    You may want to combine that add with a transistion or fallback.skip

    The fallback.skip will kick the old track
    xminusone and play the new track clock.

    So set a function something like this

    def newshourplay(x,old,new)
      sequence([ x , new ])

    then either transition out  (better for the listener) or just kick it old source with fallback skip

    I am also glad to have assisted you.

    Nb. I realised smoothadd is a bit CPU extensive especially depending on the mode of your playlist.

    I know this will change in time and jingle management  is a must in the near future 

    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Albert FRAlbert FR
    Posts: 1,978Member, Airtime Moderator
    or you can use the function crossfade_airtime in your ls_script.liq
    Post edited by Albert FR at 2014-03-13 06:27:54
  • New glitch, Voisses - my timeclock code works fine, but the scheduled serials code apparently doesn't.  I had omitted a reload parameter from the definition line for 'superman' and 'xminusone'. 
    1. Could lack of a 'reload' parameter value for a playlist have an affect on whether the contents of those directories play at the appointed time?
    2. Could the sequence of case statements in the switch case affect whether subsequent cases are processed, i.e., if two cases match a certain time, will it always execute the first case it finds?
    Post edited by Krypton Radio at 2014-03-26 11:59:05
  • Could lack of a 'reload' parameter value for a playlist have an affect on whether the contents of those directories play at the appointed time?

    not too clear what you meant, but reload is optional and defaults to never if no parameters is stated. all would happen is that  your songs would play to the end of the list and when called again it start playing either from top or where it last played

    Could the sequence of case statements in the switch case affect whether subsequent cases are processed, i.e., if two cases match a certain time, will it always execute the first case it finds?

    Yes,when you do a check on the script it will do so from bottom up,so it tells you of the first error it finds from the bottom to the top,when however the script is run it starts from the top down so the first in first out

    Check your switch parameters,its what determines the time of play and what is play,so that's where your problem seems to lie

    Try also to reboot your machine,I had a problem where I had enable the firewall on the machine,but never allow ntp.although the machine had the right time ,the schedule was off.
    To combat not being able to do hard reboots have your icecast on a seperate machine,even on a pi,and use as standalone or master /slave relay.

    Good Luck
    Post edited by Voisses Tech at 2014-03-29 17:45:12
    Anyone reading this a find it funny about my grammar , I make no apology ,Go get a translator.
    "The Problem with education today is that it takes a university degree to switch on a light bulb"
    "You learn from your mistakes but wise people learn from others mistakes avoid Making mistakes there is not sufficient rooms to make them"
    "Innuendo","If's","Assumptions" and "Fear" are for politician.Who,What,where,When and How are for those seeking knowledge and care about Humanity.
    "I might be in Mud but that does not Make me a Wild Hog(pig)"
    “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”
    "The only thing that remains constant is change itself"
    May the force be with you,until our path or destiny bring us in tandem.