stripped down version
  • Vote Up0Vote Down mapalmapal
    Posts: 1Member
    Hello. I installed Airtime on a very powerless machine (Raspberry Pi with Debian Squeeze)..
    Although I manage to make it load, it is really really slow because of the very small ram (256 MB) and slow Arm processor.

    I was wondering if it is possible to inhibit some processes still maintaining main functionalities.
    I find the airtime bundle wonderfully coded, and it has a really awesome installer!!
    ....but I don't need a full internet radio...
    I shall explain:  my interest is to be able to stream to 1 user (2 tops) one playlist at a time. I don't need all the advanced functions, different bitrate encoding or other things.

    Since many processes are running at the same time I don't understand which does what and I don't know what to do.

    Could I inhibit some process from starting (without loosing basic streaming and playlist editing) ???
    Could I tweak some other settings to make the program use very low resources.

    Thank you very much!!
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hi!,

    At the moment Airtime is as minimal as it can be for 2.1. However for 2.2 we are planning to make it a little more streamlined (for example the "monit" process is required at the moment, whereas in 2.2 it will be optional).

    You can lower CPU usage if you select a lower bitrate setting in the Airtime Stream settings page. Airtime uses Liquidsoap as its playout engine, and you will find an interesting thread here including formats/bitrates and their corresponding CPU usage:

    Airtime Pro Hosting: