[Solved] Installation fail on Kubuntu 12.04 (64bit)
  • Hi all.

    As in  title. I have pretty fresh, today updated Kubuntu 12.04 (64-bit) on samsung rv511 laptop with 4 cores and 6GB RAM. As before, now after uninstalling both debs (easy setup and airtime) i have this same error when installing:

    Konfigurowanie airtime (2.1.2-1) ...                                                                                                                                   
    Site airtime-vhost already disabled                                                                                                                                    
    Setting up apache2...
    Enabling site airtime-vhost.
    To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
      service apache2 reload
    Module rewrite already enabled
    Site default already disabled
    Configuring php5...
    Setting up icecast2...
    Restarting icecast2: Starting icecast2
    Detaching from the console
    Setting up monit configuration...
     * Stopping daemon monitor monit                                                                                                                                 [ OK ]
     * Starting daemon monitor monit                                                                                                                                 [ OK ]
     * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                                                        apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
     ... waiting apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
                                                                                                                                                                     [ OK ]
    Creating symlink for Liquidsoap...

    Debian package of Airtime detected...

    * Making sure /etc/default/locale is set properly
    * Checking for existing Airtime installation...
     * None found.
    * Temporarily stopping any previous running services

    ******************************** Install Begin *********************************
    Ensuring python-virtualenv version > 1.4.8...Success!

    *** Creating Virtualenv for Airtime ***
    Already using interpreter /usr/bin/python
    The --no-site-packages flag is deprecated; it is now the default behavior.
    New python executable in /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/python
    Installing distribute.............................................................................................................................................................................................done.
    Installing pip...............done.

    *** Installing Python Libraries ***
    Unpacking /var/lib/airtime/tmp/python_apps/python-virtualenv/airtime_virtual_env.pybundle
    Downloading/unpacking configobj
      Running setup.py egg_info for package configobj
    Downloading/unpacking poster
      Running setup.py egg_info for package poster
    Downloading/unpacking kombu
      Running setup.py egg_info for package kombu
    Downloading/unpacking amqplib
      Running setup.py egg_info for package amqplib
    Downloading/unpacking anyjson
      Running setup.py egg_info for package anyjson
    Downloading/unpacking mutagen
      Running setup.py egg_info for package mutagen
    Downloading/unpacking pyinotify
      Running setup.py egg_info for package pyinotify
    Downloading/unpacking pytz
      Running setup.py egg_info for package pytz
        warning: no files found matching '*.pot' under directory 'pytz'
        warning: no previously-included files found matching 'test_zdump.py'
    Installing collected packages: configobj, poster, kombu, amqplib, anyjson, mutagen, pyinotify, pytz
      Running setup.py install for configobj
      Running setup.py install for poster
      Running setup.py install for kombu
      Running setup.py install for amqplib
      Running setup.py install for anyjson
      Running setup.py install for mutagen
        changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/moggsplit from 644 to 755
        changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/mid3v2 from 644 to 755
        changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/mutagen-pony from 644 to 755
        changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/mid3iconv from 644 to 755
        changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/mutagen-inspect from 644 to 755
        changing mode of /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/moggsplit to 755
        changing mode of /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/mid3v2 to 755
        changing mode of /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/mutagen-pony to 755
        changing mode of /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/mid3iconv to 755
        changing mode of /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/mutagen-inspect to 755
      Running setup.py install for pyinotify
      Running setup.py install for pytz
        warning: no files found matching '*.pot' under directory 'pytz'
        warning: no previously-included files found matching 'test_zdump.py'
    Successfully installed configobj poster kombu amqplib anyjson mutagen pyinotify pytz
    Cleaning up...

    *** Patching Python Libraries ***
     * Patching virtualenv libraries in /usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/lib/python2.7

       ---Applying Patches for mutagen---
    patching file site-packages/mutagen/mp3.py
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 169 (offset -4 lines).
    patching file site-packages/mutagen/mp3.py
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 204 (offset -5 lines).
    * Checking for user pypo
     * Creating user pypo
    * Creating INI files
    * Initializing INI files
    * Airtime Version: 2.1.2
    * Storage directory setup
    * Skipping directory already exists: /srv/airtime/stor
    * Giving Apache permission to access /srv/airtime/stor
    * Skipping directory already exists: /srv/airtime/stor/organize
    * Giving Apache permission to access /srv/airtime/stor/organize

    * Database Installation
     * Creating Airtime database user
      * Database user 'airtime' created.
     * Creating Airtime database
      * Database 'airtime' already exists.
    Unable to open PDO connection [wrapped: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL:  database "airtime" does not exist]
    Database connection problem.
    Check if database 'airtime' exists with corresponding permissions.
    * Creating /etc/airtime
    * Creating /etc/monit/conf.d/monit-airtime-generic.cfg
    * Creating /etc/cron.d/airtime-crons
    * Creating /usr/lib/airtime
    * Creating symbolic links in /usr/bin
    * Creating /var/log/airtime
    * Creating /usr/share/airtime
    * Creating /var/log/airtime
    * Creating /var/tmp/airtime
    * Waiting for media-monitor processes to start...
    Starting Airtime Media Monitor: Done.
    * Detecting OS: ...  Found Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (precise) on amd64 architecture
    * Clearing previous pypo cache
    * Waiting for pypo processes to start...
     * Stopping daemon monitor monit                                         [ OK ]
     * Starting daemon monitor monit                                         [ OK ]

    *** Verifying your system environment, running airtime-check-system ***
    AIRTIME_STATUS_URL             = http://localhost:80/api/status/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%%
    KERNEL_VERSION                 = UNKNOWN
    TOTAL_SWAP_MBYTES              = UNKNOWN
    AIRTIME_VERSION                = UNKNOWN
    OS                             = Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x86_64
    CPU                            = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 480  @ 2.67GHz
    WEB_SERVER                     = A
    LIQUIDSOAP_MEM_PERC            = 0%
    LIQUIDSOAP_CPU_PERC            = 0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_MEM_PERC         = 0%
    MEDIA_MONITOR_CPU_PERC         = 0%
    RABBITMQ_MEM_PERC              = 0%
    RABBITMQ_CPU_PERC              = 0%

    -- There appears to be a problem with your Airtime installation.

    -- Please visit http://wiki.sourcefabric.org/x/HABQ
    dpkg: błąd przetwarzania airtime (--configure):
     podproces zainstalowany skrypt post-installation zwrócił kod błędu 1
    Wystąpiły błędy podczas przetwarzania:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    any ideas?

    BTW. Greetings from LAS viewers. Great work, and nice of yous with the deal. Just get me that thing working :)
    Post edited by Lukasz at 2012-06-27 08:58:39
  • 3 Comments sorted by
  • As I've read forum, there is sudo monit status output:

    The Monit daemon 5.3.2 uptime: 30m

    Process 'rabbitmq-server'

      status                            Running

      monitoring status                 Monitored

      pid                               1273

      parent pid                        1

      uptime                            54m

      children                          3

      memory kilobytes                  27232

      memory kilobytes total            28616

      memory percent                    0.4%

      memory percent total              0.4%

      cpu percent                       0.0%

      cpu percent total                 0.0%

      data collected                    Wed, 27 Jun 2012 10:29:09

    Process 'airtime-playout'

      status                            Running

      monitoring status                 Monitored

      pid                               6169

      parent pid                        1

      uptime                            29m

      children                          0

      memory kilobytes                  13712

      memory kilobytes total            13712

      memory percent                    0.2%

      memory percent total              0.2%

      cpu percent                       0.0%

      cpu percent total                 0.0%

      data collected                    Wed, 27 Jun 2012 10:29:09

    Process 'airtime-media-monitor'

      status                            Running

      monitoring status                 Monitored

      pid                               6113

      parent pid                        1

      uptime                            29m

      children                          0

      memory kilobytes                  12672

      memory kilobytes total            12672

      memory percent                    0.2%

      memory percent total              0.2%

      cpu percent                       0.0%

      cpu percent total                 0.0%

      data collected                    Wed, 27 Jun 2012 10:29:09

    Process 'airtime-liquidsoap'

      status                            Running

      monitoring status                 Monitored

      pid                               6174

      parent pid                        1

      uptime                            29m

      children                          1

      memory kilobytes                  1528

      memory kilobytes total            11096

      memory percent                    0.0%

      memory percent total              0.1%

      cpu percent                       0.0%

      cpu percent total                 0.0%

      data collected                    Wed, 27 Jun 2012 10:29:09

    System 'system_hegemon8-lapek'

      status                            Running

      monitoring status                 Monitored

      load average                      [1.61] [0.81] [0.72]

      cpu                               2.5%us 1.2%sy 0.4%wa

      memory usage                      1148972 kB [19.2%]

      swap usage                        0 kB [0.0%]

      data collected                    Wed, 27 Jun 2012 10:29:09

    I found as well this in the log (installation-errors.log):

    createdb: database creation failed: ERROR:  new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible with the encoding of the template database (SQL_ASCII)

    HINT:  Use the same encoding as in the template database, or use template0 as template.

    so... i figured out whats wrong, but how to fix it?
    Post edited by Lukasz at 2012-06-27 06:16:35
  • OK, could'nt wait for replay, so I've got that fixed myself :D
    After meeting with uncle google, that took me a while to figure what of the solutions is right for my situation,
    I've ended up here:

    The only difference was that I've changed version number from 8.4 to 9.1 in my case of kubuntu 12.04

    it is the psql issue with that locale and ascii instead of utf-8.

    Ok, happy days, going to play with airtime now :)
    Post edited by Lukasz at 2012-06-27 09:11:25
  • Let us know what the output of

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure airtime

    is :)

    Post edited by Martin Konecny at 2012-06-27 10:31:41
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