Running Uubntu 10.04 LUCID, previous version was working well, so I've decided to install update via Ubuntu Software manager.
After having airtime-check-system failing, I've decided to backup my scripts and settings then purge icecast, liquidsoap and airtime.
I think I've tried all possible ways to install Airtime (easy install, full install, minimal install, apt-get, aptitude...) each time it's the same : everything is installing well but I've got my final "airtime-check-system" that totally fails (which breaks apt-get and aptitude : error -1).
At this time, everything seems to work fine, but I'd like to pass the system check.I've got the feeling it's a permission issue.
I'm handling the vhost by myself using ISPConfig
I've checked some logs without finding any error.
May someone tells me which logs should I check out to figure out the problem ?