Getting started with articles, but articles are not showing
  • Hey there,

    I'm just getting to know of newscoop, so I'm kind of a newbie. Hopefully, I'm getting to know it better soon, so I'll get rid of my rank.

    I'm using a Newscoop version of 3.5.2 on my xampp installation. Everything went well, when I installed the Newscoop CMS. Then I created Publications, Issues, Sections and Articles. But there seems to be something wrong with the articles I created. The Articles doesn't show any content, only headers. So i've been trying to figure out what seems to be the problem and what's causing it to behave like that.

    I've noticed that when I'm editing an article and then hit the preview button it gives me parse errors:

    Invalid attribute highlight in statement list_articles, constraints parameter
    Invalid value news of parameter constraints.type in statement list_articles
    Invalid property full_text of object Article

    Can anyone help me with these problems? any help would be appreciated.

    Sincerely yours,


  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Hey Jussi,

    Did you create the templates which will take care of displaying the content in the front-end ?

    Looks like you have some templates but the article types do not match the fields being used in the templates. But that might be only one of the problems.

    Have a look at the online manual here

    Let us know how it goes.
