[campsite-support] Error when commenting on article
  • Hi there,

    When users try to fill in a comment on an article on our
    website(http://www.nieuwsbedrijf.nl), they get an error like this:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
    in /usr/local/campsite/www-common/html/comment_lib.php on line 153

    Does anyone of you have an idea on how to solve this?


    Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Your database may be corrupted. Please dump the database and send it to me
    by email so I can check it.


    On 6/9/07, lists@vandenieuwenhof.nl wrote:
    > Hi there,
    > When users try to fill in a comment on an article on our
    > website(http://www.nieuwsbedrijf.nl), they get an error like this:
    > Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
    > in /usr/local/campsite/www-common/html/comment_lib.php on line 153
    > Does anyone of you have an idea on how to solve this?
    > Regards,
    > Jeroen van de Nieuwenhof