here's an issue we been having recently with Airtime 1.8.2
If a show doesn't get uploaded to soundcloud for whatever reason, then it's possible to go to the schedule and upload it manually by clicking "Upload to Soundcloud". However this means airtime is unusable whilst it carries out this task. Changing to another view (eg playlist builder) results in a connection time-out as does requesting any other page or info. We have shows uploading to SC all the time, so it's not a bandwidth issue, just an issue with the web ui somehow.
yeah, unfortunately this is mostly due to php being single threaded so it's not really able to do anything else if it's already on the task of uploading a file initiated from the web UI.
Maybe in the future we can send this task to be performed by one of our python processes in the background, but this feature was implemented before we had really sorted those out.
> yeah, unfortunately this is mostly due to php being single threaded so it's not really able to do anything else if it's already on the task of uploading a file initiated from the web UI.
> Maybe in the future we can send this task to be performed by one of our python processes in the background, but this feature was implemented before we had really sorted those out.