[campsite-support] Campsite 2.6.7 Ubuntu Package Released
  • Campsite 2.6.7 Ubuntu package has been released. This package is for users who would rather
    install from a binary package than to compile from source. It was prepared for Ubuntu Edgy, i386

    To download the new version, go to:

    To install the package download it and run the following command:

    dpkg -i campsite_2.6.7-1_i386.deb

    This package will install Campsite in the standard directories:

    * binaries in /usr/bin
    * system binaries in /usr/sbin
    * configuration files in /etc/campsite
    * cron scheduled actions in /etc/cron.d
    * WEB scripts in /var/www/campsite
    * other Campsite directories in /usr/share/campsite

    You will still have to create an instance and create a link from apache sites directory
    (/etc/apache2/sites-enabled) to the instance virtual host configuration file (in

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