[campsite-support] Alias and Section
  • Hi,
    I need to create a new subdomain or alias like
    "subdomain.mydomian.com" and redirect to a specific section of my
    site, with a different design. In this section i will filter all news
    with a specific topic. If i create a new alias, both alias will have
    the same content. Theres a way to redirect a alias to a specific
    section or template? how i can do this?

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Use the apache rewrite module:



    --- ccabrera@elperiodico.com.gt wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I need to create a new subdomain or alias like
    > "subdomain.mydomian.com" and redirect to a specific section of my
    > site, with a different design. In this section i will filter all news
    > with a specific topic. If i create a new alias, both alias will have
    > the same content. Theres a way to redirect a alias to a specific
    > section or template? how i can do this?
    > Thanks.

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