I wanna list articles in 3 columns in a table, i try with this, but not
<!** section number 16>
<!** List columns 3>
<!** If List start><table> <!** EndIf>
<!** If List column 1> <tr> <!** EndIf>
<td> <h5><!** print article Title></h5>
<!** If List column 3> </tr> <!** EndIf>
<!** If List end> </table> <!** EndIf>
<!** EndList>
Theres something else i need to do?
Carlos Cabrera
Desarrollo Web
Teléfono 2-362-0242 Ext. 2105
Thanks Mugur,
Its woks to me too! Before a i do this with PHP loop, but today i find
this instruccion in the manual.
Thanks a lot.
Mugur Rus wrote:
Hi Carlos,
The proper code is:
<!** List columns 3 Article>
<!** If List start>
<!** EndIf>
<!** If List column 1>
<!** EndIf>
<td valign="top">
<!** Print Article Name> (.. and other article fields)
<!** If List column 3>
<!** EndIf>
<!** If List end>
<!** EndIf>
<!** EndList>
I tested it and it works ok for me.
--- Carlos Cabrera <ccabrera@elperiodico.com.gt> wrote:
I wanna list articles in 3 columns in a table, i try with this, but notwoks
<!** section number 16>
<!** List columns 3>
<!** If List start><table> <!** EndIf>
<!** If List column 1> <tr> <!** EndIf>
<td> <h5><!** print article Title></h5></td>
<!** If List column 3> </tr> <!** EndIf>
<!** If List end> </table> <!** EndIf>
<!** EndList>
Theres something else i need to do?
Carlos Cabrera
Desarrollo Web
Teléfono 2-362-0242 Ext. 2105