Airtime 1.8.2 RC released for testing
  • Hi everyone,

    We've released Airtime 1.8.2 RC (Release Candidate) for testing! It has 44 improvements and bug fixes, including the ability for users to download audio, cancel a show that is being recorded, and the "Now Playing" screen now shows the recording status of a show.

    As this is a Release Candidate, it's not recommended for production environments. Airtime 1.8.2 is planned for release next week, when we'll make a full announcement about the new features.

    In the meantime, please download and let us know your feedback!

    Best, Adam
  • 5 Comments sorted by
  • I am helping with a new community radio station in my area and discovered Air Time. It looks like exactly what we need. I also discovered the packaged installer is currently broke and a new version is coming.

    I want to install Air Time on a test box to show the other technical people and the station manager. I tried to do a manual install, followed all of the steps, got a web interface after I fixed something I found on the fourms, but but after many hours and too much hacking at the 1.8.2 RC install, my "On Air" would not light up. I decided to wipe my Ubuntu and start over.

    Is there an old 1.7 package I could point apt-get to ? I am anxious to get this running as a dev box. I want to get familiar with my end of things before I unleash the rest of our team on it.

    Thank you
  • I'd recommend you stay with 1.8.2.

    Please run

    sudo airtime-check-system

    from the terminal and we'll pinpoint the problem you are having Smile
    Airtime Pro Hosting:
  • I never got the 1.8.2 RC installed correctly. Probably due to my limited expertise doing such an operation. The packaged install is broken per this thread : This is going on two weeks and I think it is a big problem.

    I did do a "sudo airtime-check-system" --- and some service was restarting. So I wiped out my install and now have nothing.

    We are being told to wait until the next version is out because the package was removed. I'm worried about this because lets say... my server blew up when my radio station was actually in production and then I needed to install the package. But between versions, the packages are removed from the repository for going on 2 weeks, since Sat, 21 May 2011 (when the post I mentioned above was listed).

    I am just trying AirTime for the first time to see if it is worth my time. It looks great. But I need to be able to install it from a package.

    I just want to install an old version for testing, with a package. I could see "airtime_1.7.0-2_all.deb" in --- I just don't know what to type to type at "sudo apt-get install" to install it. Can someone let me know what it is, even in private reply.

    Thank you
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Paul BaranowskiPaul Baranowski
    Posts: 389Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Walt Petrosky <> wrote:

    > We are being told to wait until the next version is out because the
    > package was removed. I'm worried about this because lets say... my server
    > blew up when my radio station was actually in production and then I needed
    > to install the package. But between versions, the packages are removed from
    > the repository for going on 2 weeks, since Sat, 21 May 2011 (when the post I
    > mentioned above was listed).

    Hi Walt -
    I understand your concern. To give some context, the first version of
    Airtime was released in February, and we have been releasing every 2-4 weeks
    since then. Our initial releases were targeted to see if anyone was
    interested in this type of platform. Now that we see there is interest, we
    are doing serious testing and stabilizing the product. We have been working
    on our install and upgrade process heavily as people on many different
    systems have run into various problems. The 1.8.2 release will be very
    stable as a result of this process.

    As you may know, this is open source software. A support contract with us
    will give you access to our engineers to install it on your system and make
    sure it stays running. We can handle the upgrades for you as well. The
    publicly available DEB packages and files are there for people who want to
    go it alone. We do our best to provide support on the forum, but that's as
    far as it goes.

    Paul Baranowski
    CTO, Sourcefabric,

    +1 (416) 832-6436 (Cell)
    Skype: paulbaranowski
    720 Bathurst St. / Suite 203 / Toronto / ON / M5S 2R4 / Canada

  • I understand it is an Open Source project. That is why I want to try AirTime. Our non-profit community based radio station (WXPI Williamsport Community radio, just went live, using other software, last weekend. Your software seems perfect and it is nice to know a support contract is available. Maybe once money starts coming in, we could utilize this.

    Something that we might consider once we have Internet at our tower would be a hosted Air Time solution. You host Air Time on your servers or with a hosting provider and and we pay you. You keep everything updated also. We were looking into a cheap hosting company to host our own Air Time server or two (prod / dev) in the cloud. We weren't going for a $100/mo host like Rackspace with 99.999% uptime, we are doing everything on a shoe string budget with us just starting. We were looking at more of a "Cheap VPS Hosting" rate, as long as we had the bandwidth.

    If you would be open to this send me a private message. I am trying to make my job easier.
