Airtime 1.8 released on April 19!
  • We're proud to announce a new release: Airtime 1.8. Thanks to everyone for their feedback and suggestions - as always, we welcome your comments and support!

    Download and test Airtime 1.8 now!

    What's new?

    The biggest feature of this release is the ability to edit shows. You can change everything from 'Name', 'Description', and 'URL', to repeat and rebroadcast days. Show instances will be dynamically created or removed as needed. Radio stations will be pleased to know they can now have up to ten rebroadcast shows too.

    Airtime's calendar now looks, feels and performs better than ever. Loading a station schedule is now five to eight times faster. In our tests of 1.7, if the month calendar had shows scheduled for every hour of every day, it used to take 16 seconds to load. Now in 1.8 it takes two seconds.

    Airtime's new installation script has two options for increased install flexibility: --preserve to keep your existing config files, or --overwrite to replace your existing config files with new ones. Uninstall no longer removes Airtime config files or the music storage directory.

    Finally, as an open source project, Sourcefabric is committed to using open technologies. Airtime's default output stream is now OGG, rather than MP3. This configuration can be changed in "/etc/airtime/liquidsoap.conf" if users wish.

    Other improvements and fixes

    - Users can start and stop the playout engine (pypo) and the show recorder from the command line with the commands "airtime-pypo-start", "airtime-pypo-stop", "airtime-show-recorder-start", and "airtime-show-recorder-stop".
    - Shows are now faded out when they are finished, even if no shows are booked afterwards.
    - Schedule editing now works in Firefox 4

    View the full changelog: log