Bangla Language
  • Hi,
    I am Fahim Murshed, from Gournadi, Barisal, Bangladesh. I am well expert on Joomla, Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Apache, nGinx web server). I like nGinx webserver Smile . I have many site done by Joomla also i have a newspaper site ( on Joomla.

    Few days ago i search on Google "Newspaper CMS". I saw Drupal is the best place and OpenPublish (powered by Drupal). I like Drupal also. Its resource hungry now when i check this CMS, I am astonished. I like this CMS now. Its have nice feature for online Newspaper.

    So, I want to translate this CMS language / localize to Bangla.

    I have no idea in this Forum.

    Hope here all users, admins are nice and big heart Smile

    Fahim Murshed
    Gournadi, Barisal,
  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • This is great news - thanks so much for offering to help our open source project! Someone will be in touch very soon to help you get started - your contribution is very much appreciated!
  • Vote Up0Vote Down Andrey PodshivalovAndrey Podshivalov
    Posts: 1,526Member, Administrator, Sourcefabric Team
    hi Fahim,

    you have an access to Newscoop localizer:
    The Bangla language has been added. All translated stuff will be included in the next release.

    Thank you.
  • The process once you are logged in is very easy, just go to
    Configuration->Localizer and translate all the phrases you find there. :)
  • Hi Fahim,

    Have you been able to make any progress on the translation? Do not hesitate to bug us with any question you have Smile
