Booktype + MySQL + LDAP in a future?
  • Hi,

    We are testing Booktype in order to include it as collaborative tool in our public educational structure to improve the way that students work together in a project inside and outside school (our schools have each one a server). To adapt it to our structure we have to modify Booktype to work with MySQL and use LDAP as user authentication. Is there any planning of a future versión able to be deployed under MySQL or/and with LDAP support?


  • 2 Comments sorted by
  • Sorry, not an answer...
    But the same question.
    LDAP could be a very good thing for us who work in public educational structure.
    Is there an alternative way ?
  • Hi!

    Well, Booktype is a Django application and it could use Django authentication backend for LDAP (likedjango-auth-ldap). I haven't tried it myself. It should be just matter of configuration but I am sure one could expect some kind of issues with it (as always).

    PostgreSQL is not really requirement. There are couple of PostgreSQL specific queries in the Booktype but none of it is really a big deal. If i recall there is one join query and queries to get database size on disk. It is a bit more complicated issue why we are not marketing MySQL as possible option and it has mainly to do with options which will come in the future.
