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Yann Leekid
Suggestion de fonctionnalité : contrôle/preset du metadata pour les webstreams
Notre installation tourne sur un dédié avec une Debian Wheezy (Linux). Webradiotools est pour plate-forme Windows...Mais dans tous les cas je me serais pas lancé dans l'installation d'un soft aussi lourd juste pour changer un metadata d…
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Yann Leekid
March 2014
Master et Emission source
Ok, dans tes paramètres de source maître, dans les réglages de flux en entrée, tu as défini l'utilisateur (Nom Utilisateur Maître) = 'source' ? Si le client de stream (Sam Broadcaster en ce qui te concerne donc) ne propose pas de cham…
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Yann Leekid
March 2014
Master et Emission source
En fait, quand je relis ton premier post, je me dis que tu as peux être pas remarqué ou compris la distinction entre les flux d'entrée (le master ou le show source), qui permettent à une personne, via un client de stream, de diffuser en direct …
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Yann Leekid
March 2014
Master et Emission source
Est-ce que tu pourrais nous montrer comment tu as configuré tes flux maître et émission dans airtime, ainsi que les paramètres que tu utilises dans ton client de stream (BUTT ? autre ?)
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Yann Leekid
March 2014
Suggestion de fonctionnalité : contrôle/preset du metadata pour les webstreams
Salut, merci pour ta réponse. Mon problème concerne très précisément le dernier point que tu évoques. L'émission que je relaie de la FM n'a pas de metadata à jour lorsqu'il s'agit d'émissions en direct. En fait leur metadata…
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Yann Leekid
March 2014
Master et Emission source
Salut ! Les master et show source permettent de diffuser/relayer en direct une émission (via un client type BUTT par exemple). La différence entre les deux est que le master source permet de diffuser à tout moment, et en dehors de créneaux prédéfini…
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Yann Leekid
March 2014
Metadata control on webstreams
To complete my previous post, I don't talk about any bug isn't it. I just talk about an eventual feature (= suggestion) that would be nice. If the feature already exists in > 2.4.1, please everybody forget about this post, We will upgra…
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Yann Leekid
February 2014
Metadata control on webstreams
Yes sorry my english is limited to explain my request well. Concrete example : We relay (webstream) a radioshow from a FM radio. This FM radio provides a web stream via an Icecast stream. It is this stream we are relaying, as well as its metadata. …
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Yann Leekid
February 2014
Metadata control on webstreams
What you mention seems more to be a general description (as they would appear for example in shoutcast public servers list). I don't think it is related to metadata ; especially my request was more about being able to force the 'creator…
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Yann Leekid
February 2014
Metadata control on webstreams
Indeed, my request concerns especially webstreams, where the show host (especially when they are from FM radio) often don't have control to the metadata they send to their icecast (this one we relay). That's why I think it would be nice to…
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Yann Leekid
February 2014
Metadata control on webstreams
Yes, kind of, but my request would be a bit different, I want the metadata to be sent to icecast server too, not only to the widget, because of people listening the radio with their own mediaplayer via the .pls file. Anyway, to force the website met…
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Yann Leekid
February 2014
Moving the time period for the daily list of shows.
This is a good question I planned to ask, you did it first :) In general, it would be nice that forthcoming displayed shows are not limited to the day.
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Yann Leekid
February 2014
Dynamic Smart Block and Over Scheduling RESOLVED
Hi ! It seems that exceeding content from a show isn't played. In your case, it means the content of the first show will be interrupted at 12:05 if exceeding this time, and the 12:05 planned show will then start . You already can schedule to th…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
[FREE DOWNLOAD] [V2.0] "Now Playing" sync with Last.fm (cover/bio/lyrics/song...)
Very cool to sharing it.
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
How to make more than three radio streams such as 10 ?
Interesting question !
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Airtime 2.4.x : critères multiples dans les Smart Blocks
(je t'avais reconnu ;) ) A voté !
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Airtime 2.4.x : critères multiples dans les Smart Blocks
Même soucis chez moi (2.4.1)
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Fallback playlist & fallback.skip liquidsoap function
Well, now it's sure, you really misread the playlist cookbook snippet. The commented third line you point just comments what the following instruction does : it does not randomize because of the 'mode' parameter set to 'normal…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Fallback playlist & fallback.skip liquidsoap function
The right (and precise) documentation about the playlist operator is here . Excerpt : mode (string – defaults to "randomize"): Play the files in the playlist either in the order (“normal” mode), or shuffle the playlist each time it is lo…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Fallback playlist & fallback.skip liquidsoap function
Yes, you exactly mention the liquidsoap/savonet documentation about playlist operator i'm referring to. But I can't see where you read that randomize does not work with .m3u. I think you misread the liquidsoap documentation.
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Fallback playlist & fallback.skip liquidsoap function
I don't care about transitions, that is absolutely not my question. My question is not anymore about fallback in general, as I have a simple randomized fallback that works. My question was very exactly about how to make it work in a particular …
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
playlist en fallback et passer au morceau suivant
Désolé pour la parenthèse en anglais (j'ai posté dans cette langue sur le forum adéquat). Je suis toujours à la recherche d'une méthode (simple si possible) pour faire que ma playlist en fallback (quand aucune source - show, master/show so…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Fallback playlist & fallback.skip liquidsoap function
And, I don't know what you mean about randomize with .m3u files. Randomize is the default mode in the liquidsoap playlist operator (as documented in the savonet/liquidsoap documentation), so no need to mention it. I use the "global_playlis…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Fallback playlist & fallback.skip liquidsoap function
Well, I think I was not clear enough in my question. I want the fallback input source (the first fallback.skip parameter) to be airtime (show or master/show source, or whatever instantiated by Airtime). In your example the input source is an alterna…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
playlist en fallback et passer au morceau suivant
Thanx for your patience Voisses. Most of the tips you suggest are not adapted with the way we schedule our radio. And we absolutely don't wan't the global random to be scheduled in airtime, as it is our default mode (such of 'airtime-…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
playlist en fallback et passer au morceau suivant
Ok thanks for the tip, I didn't realise that the fallback.skip is not in the library. It seems that fallback.skip works with two parameters : the input source and the fallback source. The fallback source will be my playlist, but what will be th…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
playlist en fallback et passer au morceau suivant
"Fallback.skip is really ending a song then move to the next track,so basically you are stopping your current song and move to the next song immediatly" : that is exactly what I want ! For example, a live show or an airtime schedule ends, …
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
playlist en fallback et passer au morceau suivant
Hi Voisses. My problem is the following : I would like that the fallback, when it starts, starts at the beginning of a new track. Currently, when the fallback starts, it starts where it as been interrupted. This is not very 'smooth' becaus…
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Yann Leekid
November 2013
Broken pipe in write()
Hi ! I'm using airtime 2.4.1 on a debian wheezy, and I have exactly the same problem (broken pipe), but only with the shoutcast streaming configuration, icecast works well. I installed sc_serv2 but with 'legacy V1' configuration. Is i…
Comment by
Yann Leekid
October 2013
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