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Tim RadioClash
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Seems to be choking on AAC files now? EDIT: yes two files, created with XLD - only difference was they were CBR 192kbs, Quality Max rather than my usual 192Kbs True VBR - I thought it best given the problems to avoid VBR.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Now I have complete dead air - even a reboot doesn't fix it - nor restarting Playout or Icecast... Airtime playout status: AIRTIME_STATUS_URL = http://listen:69/api/status/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%% AIRTIME_SERVER_RESPONDING …
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Although oddly downloads are OK - just uploads. Starting to wonder if this is a problem with my host...
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Thanks! I tried that, I have silan installed now but cpulimited, but installing the script, restarting the playout service and taking off cpulimit I still get: 7917 root 39 19 82644 16m 2516 R 98 1.7 0:09.03 silan Do I have to re…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Thanks - just checked awstats, it doesn't seem to be coming from the outside (ie logs don't say any more traffic than usual), but on my VPS control panel a sudden 20 minute burst of 'incoming traffic'. I was FTPing two files up…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
"Your server has been unsuspended. Your VPS was using a significant amount of disk usage that caused a systemwide slowdown." Looks like I was hit with what looks like a sudden large amount of incoming traffic. Could Airtime or Icecast cau…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
No it seems to be happening with another previously fine file - it's pogoing/ rebuffering constantly. And now my VPS has been suspended due to 'Suspension Reason: AUTO resource abuse; ???? - probably because of this error. :-(
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Seems fine now - suspiciously after that show ended. Could that have been the file? Is there a log or something you can tell if Airtime is choking on the file?
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Spoke too soon - it's down again. Suddenly the airtime-liquids process was again complaining of no cfg, did a reboot, now it bounces on/off (so does the stream - ie. it's going on/off every second) and uses a lot of CPU while silan is at 1…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
I've had to cpulimit silan though - I *really* wish this code was optional? And I'm not the only one to have problems - hence the other threads. It's been happily running at 90-97% of cpu *all today* and no I wasn't importing an…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Yes in airtime.conf and api_client.cfg - checked and the re-install has kept those.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Actually managed to kill airtime with killall -9 airtime-liquidsoap and restart it - seems OK now....both in airtime-system-check and monit status: Process 'airtime-playout' status Running monitoring status …
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Seems to work fine until I restart liquidsoap I get this: service airtime-liquidsoap restart Restarting Liquidsoap: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 12506: No such process ######################################### # *** pypo *…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Thought I\d give silan another go - but does: Unpacking airtime (from .../airtime_2.3.1-1_all.deb) ... usually take so long? It seems to be hanging? I've reinstalled manually but still getting - LIQUIDSOAP_PROCESS_ID = FAILED Afte…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
You can't do that? Umm, yes you can: https://wiki.sourcefabric.org/display/CC/FAQ+and+Support and many threads here about changing the port of the installation. Runs fine too - no problem with the web interface at all. Problem I have is with t…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime as subfolder or not root...
No just tried it - ServerName airtime.listen.radioclash.com (with a2dissite / a2ensite & apache restart) not found.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime as subfolder or not root...
Oh and yes ports.conf has that code, as well as 'Listen' to my extra port.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime as subfolder or not root...
Thing I'm already subdomained - listen.radioclash.com is the name of my server. So just checked airtime-vhost in sites-enabled and it's already exactly your example - only difference is the port, as I couldn't get airtime to go into a…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
Hmm I'm running pretty defaultapache config, with default on port 80 and airtime-vhost on 69. I am running 2.3.1 now too. Seems a LOT happier without silan...but could be the port. Although not sure how the web interface affects the playtime p…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime as subfolder or not root...
I solved this by using a separate port for VHost - I'll leave subdomaining a subdomain for another time.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Select Unplayed Songs
Ditto - voted for that, I'd not seen it before posting this. Try flipping it around to Greater Than and see if that does what you'd like! :) Greater than doesn't work either, because unplayed tracks don't have any value - I…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Liquidsoap Flows listing±
Oh so it should be: s = register_flow( ? I added it under add_skip. It seemed to kill the stream/liquidsoap so took it out.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
I did this to remove silan: http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/15127/lazy-or-nonworking-media-monitor/p1 dpkg -r --ignore-depends=airtime silan is this correct? I had similar 3-4 hour waits for media to be added to the library from a watc…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
And yes it just went down again just now despite the cron job, and had to again reissue sudo monit monitor airtime-liquidsoap.Thinking of doing it every minute now. As I said, no changes to the system til it just fell over complaining of PLAYOUT_E…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
I didn't change a thing before it started saying PID FAILED (the first post) - the system just went down, stopped streaming, and Liquidsoap wasn't appearing in top. Icecast was running but no stream. Airtime was saying it was connected to …
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
And it went down again - same fix? Is there a way of fixing this permamanently? Or if I put: */5 * * * * monit monitor airtime-liquidsoap in a cron every 5 minutes would that cause problems?
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
That seems to have done it! Thanks!
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
I've done a dpkg-reconfigure airtime - setup the vhost again (and again had to change the port) but Liquidsoap still won't run. It was working fine for weeks, with the odd reboot? Don't know why now it just decides to fall over - it&…
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
And restarting the playout gets Restarting Airtime Scheduler Engine: chown: cannot access `/etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg': No such file or directory Done.
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Tim RadioClash
March 2013
Airtime down - Airtime PID -FAILED
And it's gone back down again - same issue - now saying AIRTIME_STATUS_URL = http://listen:69/api/status/format/json/api_key/%%api_key%% AIRTIME_SERVER_RESPONDING = OK KERNEL_VERSION = 2.6.32-042stab074.10 MAC…
Comment by
Tim RadioClash
March 2013
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