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Voisses Tech
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
I am so lucky. My word is always the last here check this post the sequence is so mixed up that ,now my rants are at the bottom. @Bart. in fact you are right,Rivendell are for old Guys like me . So here is why I like Rivendell for its 99% stabilit…
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Voisses Tech
April 2017
Airtime 2.5.x Debian 7.11 x64 - HTTP 404
@Lapotor Here is Your solution https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/18320/unable-to-connect-to-the-airtime-server-http-error-404-not-found but I dont recommend installing from github so in this post https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/…
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Voisses Tech
April 2017
Ways to Trigger Your Rotation Script,Using Python,PHP,Liquidsoap etc. Write Yours Here
YOU See My Rotation it works.Implementing it across the board. Think I can improve on it Are you Paying for yours. I thind I need some more down votes cause the Joke is On You :-)) =)) :-B :)) =D> =D>
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Voisses Tech
April 2017
more then one instance with the same db
@ Peter S In relation to your second question I really think if you read what I sad you will see I answer your question.I highlighted it for you. Wish you luck with Roger "The Cynic"
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Voisses Tech
April 2017
more then one instance with the same db
"Being 100% visually impaired and getting more and more dissatisfied with the growing inaccessibility of gui-driven radio automation software i am all the more happy to have liquidsoap available for my needs. I am a total beginner in liquidsoap…
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Voisses Tech
April 2017
Ways to Trigger Your Rotation Script,Using Python,PHP,Liquidsoap etc. Write Yours Here
I own no rights to the music in the playlist library and they are there for entertainment purpose only
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
more then one instance with the same db
This is trivial to liquid soap here http://savonet.sourceforge.net/doc-svn/radiopi.html # Basic source jazz = channel_radiopilote("jazz") discoqueen = channel_radiopilote("discoqueen") # Avoid skiping blank with classic music …
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Problem in setting up Airtime on/for Raspberry Pi 3 (Rasbian Jessie 8.0)
I know lots of people seem to think otherwise, but this project was at one time geared to run on Wheezy. It was also abandoned 5 years ago. Just things to think about. Thats not true. Upon until last year (April 2016) there were a full team worki…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
How to Edit ID3 Tag for Music File
Anybody? How I do it now is to have the folder watch and then it brings out the data
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
AutoDj Script Using ( PHP) - Solution You were waiting On- No Ls_Script modification need
This Script is for the brave at heart. When I tested the Rotations on the two available option ,I notice at times you have dual audio one for schedule and one for the RotationThis is what I tested and it might work.I do not have enough hours of …
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
AutoDj Script Using ( PHP) - Solution You were waiting On- No Ls_Script modification need
There is a - -clean option good to clear duplicate shows and current schedules and show you can test it by running php /path to script/auto_schedule_show.php --clean
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
AutoDj Script Using ( PHP) - Solution You were waiting On- No Ls_Script modification need
rename the text file to phprun as php /parh-to-script/auto_schedule_show.php thats it .I will write a script to check when there is silence and let it trigger this scriptbug ,if the default silence is trigger you have to delete the first file …
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
AutoDj Script Using ( PHP) - Solution You were waiting On- No Ls_Script modification need
I am submitting this so that the PHP Geeks can carry it forward. This Script will Create a show called RotationIt will pick music files at random and place them in the queue have 20 ,you can change it read the script (I fixed this from the origi…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Streaming URL confusion
that's not You need a domain for outside to see you and for tunein to point set in your router or change that localhost only internal people(people on your network) can see you . If you get in problem then compare my solutions here https:…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
AutoDj Script Using ( PHP) - Solution You were waiting On- No Ls_Script modification need
I will post the solutions ,maybe tomorrow
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
Where is That Saas,You mention.
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
@ Roger $10 per month x 12 =$120.00 half my fare from florida to the caribbean or a lot of drinks per year if I donate it some poor kids in Africa maybe a year's meal $120 per year X 3 years = $360…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
more then one instance with the same db
@Roger , you not reading what I wrote. but in case you need,you need two or two hundred interfaces read this post and try it https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/17831/ever-want-to-build-your-own-test-container-and-pimp-the-ui-another-in-101-…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
more then one instance with the same db
If you mean to more stream to more than one provider or stream server then yes you can. by default Airtime allows you to stream to three ,if you want to add more then read my post here https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/18059/adding-more-s…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
If I could Hug You,I would right now and plant a big Smooch on Your Lips So I guess we all contributed to PHPPythonZendframeworkliquidsoapThe many other scripting language and web languagesI guess you can apply for the Head of Support at Sourcef…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
@ Roger I think most people who comes here are people who want to have a customized system. Not something off the shelves. I have a client who has some 30 years in radio ,All he likes now is Itunes and any encoder that can push out the stream. …
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
help me here https://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/18336/autodj-script-help-needed-php I give you some Zend codes that easy to upgrade to Zendframewrk 2 and possible 3 with PHP 7. You do not have to move to any fork they are easy patches T…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
LibreTime: A Fork of AirTime due to stalled development
To be Honest. The codes in Airtime sometimes are round about (like Roads in My Town) and that more require a degree here is a sample Example PHP a song(Liquidsoap) is requested it notifes [through notify.sh] who then notifies python [pyponotify.p…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Missing CAPTCHA Fields.
Thanks but the real thing is that Put Service folder in your library (you should download the Zend 1.12 full and extract the Zend library)gedit /usr/share/airtime/library/Zend/Service/ReCaptcha.phpdo not adjust php source file
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Airtime stop playing for no reason
I only place these here or us to expand our knowledge and understand and contibute If you do not understand a problem you cannot fix it. Management studies say do not spend time solving it ,break it apart and create your own even if yours have prob…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Airtime stop playing for no reason
3. I answered that already but for the brave I used this in my program # my autodj definition autodj=......... default = fallback(track_sensitive=false,[strip_blank(max_blank=300.,threshold=-60.,default)]) autodj_play = ref fa…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Airtime stop playing for no reason
You have done a part to fixed one aspect . Daniel have a post somewhere that tells you how to increased the amount of songs cache I will post it, if I found it and they had not delete it. I will leave these answer here that when it occurs again you…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Airtime stop playing for no reason
Thank you for your answers and your help Voisses, I appreciate that. 1* But there is something I don't understand, why liquidsoap thinks I have nothing scheduled ? Every minute of my calendar is full and there is always something to play. So I…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Airtime stop playing for no reason
2017-03-25 11:54:01,997 INFO - [pypoliqqueue.py : main() : line 38] - waiting 358.003024s until next scheduled item There is the problem this says there is nothing schedule and nothing in the queue. Prevent this by doing this https://forum.sourcef…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
Login refreshes after default admin/admin login with no response.
you have made more than three incorrect login. in future start with defaults admin and when everything works . change but your solution is to reset login attempts: at the prompt type sudo -u postgres psql airtime you should now be at the airtime…
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Voisses Tech
March 2017
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