[campsite-support] Guaranteed support for Campsite now available
  • Campware is pleased to introduce *Guaranteed Support* for Campsite.
    "Guaranteed Support" means if you have a problem with the software, you can
    be sure that we'll fix it in a timely manner and fix it for the version of
    the software you are using - no one will force you to upgrade. While we are
    still providing free community support through our mailing lists and forum,
    Guaranteed Support gives you a higher level of service than free support. It
    is offered as a "subscription" service for a number of months (1, 3, 6, or
    12), which covers your version of the software for that time period. There
    are a number of advantages to signing up:

    1. Your requests are prioritized over free support.
    2. Someone will be assigned to address your issue immediately.
    3. You are guaranteed a response to your request within 24 hours
    informing you of what is being done about the problem.
    4. All bug fixes will be backported to the version you are running.
    You will not be forced to upgrade to a new version that has new features,
    and potentially new bugs because of it.
    5. If necessary, developers can login to your server to fix the
    6. If there is a problem with the software, we can make a custom
    release for you that fixes your bug immediately.
    7. By purchasing a support contract, you are supporting continued
    software development and maintenance - and helping to secure your investment
    at the same time.

    Click here to read more information or to sign

    - The Campware Team