[campsite-support] Campsite 2.6.1 Released
  • Campsite 2.6.1 Released

    Campsite 2.6.1, a bug-fix update for 2.6.0, has been released. All users are
    encouraged to upgrade. A noteworthy news item for this release is that our
    automatic bug reporting tool, new in the 2.6.0 release, has already paid off
    with 8 bugs reported by our users. The bugs reported would have been *
    extremely* difficult to trackdown without this, many thanks to our users for
    submitting them!


    - 32 bugs fixed (see below for details)
    - A Dutch translation of the admin interface was added
    - Spanish, Romanian, and Russian languages have been updated
    - In the Article Edit screen, you can now change the time the article
    was published
    - Users are not allowed to add images, attachments, or templates if
    the target directory is not writable
    - A 'Save and Close' button has been added to the Article Edit Screen
    even when an article is 'Pending'/'Unplaced'
    - All sample templates are now available for 2.6.X
    - The 'campsite-create-instance' script now tells you what it is doing
    - Campsite is now part of the Free Software Foundation/UNESCO

    To download the new version, click
    hereor go

    Bugs Fixed (32 total)
    Bugs are listed in order of oldest to newest.

    01) #2175 - Failure to detect if php-session package was installed
    02) #2178 - 'campsite-remove-instance' fails
    03) #2179 - Error in template engine when dealing with date-time fields
    04) #2181 - Clicking on "Add Article" sometimes gives an error
    05) #2187 - Localizer loses "hide translated strings" preferences after
    every save
    06) #2191 - Error restoring backup file using -e option when the target
    instance does not exist
    07) #2213 - On the Article Edit page, the "Link to public page" doesn't
    include publication url in url
    08) #2230 - campsite-restore-instance script fails when 'pushd' and
    'popd' arent in the system
    09) #2239 - When duplicating a template, if the user sets an already
    existing name campsite returns to template duplicate screen without
    posting an error.
    10) #2241 - There was a crash sometimes when trying to duplicate a new,
    unassigned article
    11) #2242 - Problem localizing Arabic (R-T-L languages)
    12) #2244 - Template keyword "firstParagraph" doesn't work in some
    13) #2246 - Attachments listed in different order on the frontend
    compared to the backend.
    14) #2249 - Crash when adding existing image to article
    15) #2250 - Invalid link to article in the edit page: When editing a
    translated version of an article the "Link to public page" is not
    generated correctly: the issue and section URL names are taken from
    the default language version instead of the translation version.
    16) #2253 - Some cells on home page not vertically aligned properly
    17) #2257 - Sections not deleted properly.
    18) #2259 - Unable to list all images in an article
    19) #2260 - The template engine crashes when requesting the home page
    (http://site/[lang_code]) for a language that is not the default
    publication language.
    20) #2261 - When previewing an article in a different language than the
    section language the preview link contains the section language
    instead of the article language.
    21) #2262 - Duplicate article screen - if you dont select an article
    to duplicate, there is a crash
    22) #2263 - Javascript error when logging in under IE
    23) #2264 - Arabic language shows a javascript error in the article
    edit screen
    24) #2267 - ArticleImage->getImage() doesn't return the Image object
    25) #2268 - Strings with double quotes are truncated in article edit
    screen inside of single-line text fields
    26) #2269 - Campsite doesn't compile on 64 bit systems
    27) #2272 - When the database character set was UTF8, trying to create
    the Campsite database returns an error
    28) #2274 - Article can be half-placed (for example, it can belong to
    publication and issue, but not a section) when creating an unplaced
    29) #2277 - Subscriptions are not added correctly to the database
    30) #2284 - Attached files with spaces in their names do not have
    correct name when you download them
    31) #2285 - Duplicating an article does not respect preferences for
    whether comments should default to enabled
    32) #2290 - Cannot edit an existing language
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • The FreeBSD port was already submited, so if there are no problems with
    it, it should be commited soon.
