Re: [campsite-support] Bug in Campsite indexer
  • Thank you Raed, I fixed this bug for 2.5.1


    wrote: Author: tamamtech

    Hello Mugur,

    When using multiple instance of campsite, we noticed that the indexer doesn't index the articles, and running it from the shell gives this output:

    # ./campsite_indexer
    campsite_indexer: Adding keyword: query: Column 'Id' cannot be null
    campsite_indexer: Adding keyword: query: Column 'Id' cannot be null
    campsite_indexer: Adding keyword: query: Column 'Id' cannot be null
    campsite_indexer: Adding keyword: query: Column 'Id' cannot be null

    The solution we found for this issue is to add a record to the KeywordIndex table. After doing that, the indexer works fine and index all articles.

    Sent from Campware Forums

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