Campcaster does not compile on 8.10
  • I have investigated this compilation problem that was mentioned in earlier posts and found the following issues:

    1. memcpy is not recognized - this is weird. I have found that if I add [#include ] to all files that fail to compile this, it will work. Did not really have time to throughly investigate why it worked before.

    2. After this is fixed, another problem occurs. It reports something like memcpy not part of std name space - OK... I went into the code and changed in one location from [std::memcpy] to [memcpy] and it passed this time.

    3. After this, another problem occurs - curl_easy_setopt missing a parameter. Now I never worked with this library before but according to the reference I found on the internet, there is no version of this function that takes just 2 params. I changed this line from [curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET);] to [curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);] for the compilation sake and it passed. Not sure if this is a correct fix...

    4. Now one that tops them all. After all this there is an error in statusicon.h header that belongs to gtkmm. The problem is that lines 237 and 239 are terminated with double semicolons! [;;]. Did not really fiddle with compilers that much before, but I can see this as a result of some flag not setting error severity correctly. Anyone seen this before?

    Once I delete extra semicolons, it appears to compile with no errors. However, it still does not run and server reports internal error related to configuration. This will have to be investigated once we get the code right. The errors I enumerated seem to be fixable in a way not to break the previous version. I do not see a big problem there. I would like to get input from someone that has more Linux programming experience with points 3 and 4.
