Article Order column in campsite interface
  • Hello,

    We are facing a problem with the Article Order column in the admin interface. In a site like ammannet, there are over 7,000 articles in the news section. Trying to access that section in the user interface produces an HTML code for an option box with 7,000 options 15 times. The page size (with pictures) is: 1.87 MB . PHP used to throw memory allocation error saying the 16MB isn't enought for the mysql query result set. We had to increase the php scripts memory allowance to 64MB to be able to see the section page.

    We are going to edit the articles/index.php file to remove the Order column to make the interface faster. But by question is: Is the ordering feature used only for ordering the articles inside the user interface, or does it have something to do with the ordering of articles in the live site. We didn't find anything in the documentation to list the articles based on the order the users choose in the interface. If it's only for the interface, we must add an option to the system perferances to enable and disable this feature. Clearly in big sites, this feature hugely affects the interface loading speed.

    Just my 2 cents.