[campcaster-dev] Re: multiple selection and drag-n-drop
  • Hi Frans,

    Yes, I have found bug #70479 a few days ago, too. For the rest of the
    people on the list: it does not seem possible (or at least it would be
    very difficult) to implement drag and drop of multiple items in tree
    views. So for now, I am planning to implement dnd of single items only,
    and the user will be able to copy multiple items using the right-click
    menu. I hope this is OK, and let's hope the Gnome people fix this bug soon.


    > Hi Ferenc
    > Here you find a link to a very old bug in GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE and
    > drag-n-drop in a treeview to another window.
    > http://www.mail-archive.com/gtk-app-devel-list@gnome.org/msg09598.html
    > Thanks,
    > Frans van Berckel