[campcaster-dev] Radio Casablanca
  • Hi all,

    This just came to the contact(at)campware.org mailbox. Lars, I'm
    forwarding this to the Campcaster developers' list as well.


    ----- Forwarded by Douglas Arellanes/Mdlf on 08/01/2007 12:07 PM -----

    08/01/2007 11:43 AM
    Please respond to larsb

    To: Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org
    Subject: Radio Casablanca

    I wrote to you a few weeks ago about Radiodesk Controlsfunctions (like
    faderstarts) in Campcaster.
    We needed some time to get ower temporary radio project "Radio Casablanca"
    on stable feet!
    So yeah we would like to develop a interface for the Radiodesk we are
    The problem is i know Linux und i can compile and condigure software by
    hand but iam not much of a programmer!
    But as i am a hardwaredeveloper i know much about interface protocols and
    Im getting the interface/protocol documentation of ower Radiodesk in the
    next few days and if you are still
    interested in developing thise interface please let me know!

    O i allmost forgot.......
    Greetings from the project "leader" from ower Project Radio Casablanca
    He asks if it would be possible to get listed on the campware Hompage
    under "Who Using"?!
    We would be happy to get you more information if needed!
