[campcaster-dev] screenshot from the glade port
  • Hi all,

    As you know, work is underway on the Campcaster 1.3 "Dakar" release, and
    one of the major pieces of work this time around is the rewrite of
    Campcaster Studio to use the GLADE project, which makes it much easier to
    design user interfaces and new features.

    As part of this round of work, we will be creating a GTK theme for
    Campcaster that will give windows, buttons and other elements a
    'Campcaster-like' visual appearance.

    But as you can see from this screenshot of Ferenc Gerlits' work in
    progress, it doesn't look half bad even with stock GTK widgets, IMHO.

    For right now, it's just the Master Panel that's been GLADEified.
