[campcaster-dev] Reminder: Developers' meeting Tue 29 May 14:00 CET
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    Hi all,

    Due to the fact that Monday is the Pentecost holiday in Europe as well as
    being Memorial Day in the US, we agreed to reschedule the Campcaster
    developers' meeting to tomorrow, Tuesday 29 May at 14:00 CET.

    Hope to see you there!

  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Personally, 2 p.m  is not a good time for me ( after last rescheduling
    ), because i have to go to work then.
    I hope that Sava will tell me everything that you have discussed about
    on the meeting .


    Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org wrote:
    ......to reschedule the Campcaster developers' meeting
    to tomorrow,Tuesday 29 May at 14:00 CET.

     Hope to see you there!......

    ......but I will need to reschedule the
    developers' meeting to Monday at 11am CET.