Re: [campcaster-dev] uploading and deleting and vanishing
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    Posts: 0Member

    Thanks for writing in with your question about Campcaster's import script.
    There is a known bug involving files that have been deleted; they cannot
    be imported again. A ticket has been filed for this bug at this address:

    I believe the problem has to do with the MD5 checksum of the file that is
    generated at import. The checksum is intended to prevent multiple imports
    of the same file, but the problem is that the checksum isn't being removed
    when the file is removed.

    In the meantime, if you are running the Development Environment version of
    Campcaster (not the packages or the tarballs), you can completely reset
    the Storage Server, but this will wipe _all_ records. The command to reset
    the storage server is at this address:

    As for the Network Hub, it is intended to be used as a file repository for
    multiple radio stations wishing to share program content on a 'virtual
    radio network'. The Network Hub server can be either a standalone server
    or, as I understand it, an existing storage server can do dual duty as a
    network hub. If you have your local storage server set up as your Network
    Hub, then yes, you can use the mass import script. But it might be good if
    some of the other Campcaster developers chime in here as well.

    Hope this answers your question.


    Media Development Loan Fund
    Douglas Arellanes
    Head of Research and Development
    Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
    Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00 Prague 6
    Czech Republic
    Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
    Mobile: +420 724 073 364

    Sent by:
    05/08/2007 07:05 PM
    Please respond to "The Campcaster Developers' Mailing List"

    Subject: [campcaster-dev] [Campcaster Development] uploading and deleting and

    Author: Alpenfelt

    Hello there,

    I have two problems of which I was wondering if you could help me out :
    I uploaded some files from the studio (using the mass importing system on
    the terminal) Then I deleted them from the Web (because Iforgot to put
    information on the titles). After that, I tried to do the mass importing
    method again but..
    - it only duplicates them (using --link)
    - trying to upload them manually it tells me the files are aleady existing
    in the Storage
    - when I browse for the files, the search system will not find them.

    So I can't find them anymore neither on the Studio nor on the Web.
    And I can't uplaod them anyway for the reasons listed above.

    Same thing on the Web interface.
    What am I doing wrong?

    And just out of curiosity:
    I see that when uploading, on the Web interface the files are visible just
    browsing them. What would the Hub be usefull for?
    And would it be possible to upload mass files onto the Hub?

    Thanks for the help


    Sent from Campware Forums
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  • Thank you Douglas,

    there was an "aha!" when I read the answer.
    Now, still referring to the Storage Server, is there anyway I can set it to a specific Hard disk in order that when I import files or when someone remote uploads files and audio, it all refers to one specific drive?

    Thank you for the courtesy

    A. Alpenfelt