uploading and deleting and vanishing
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    Posts: 0Member
    Hello there,

    I have two problems of which I was wondering if you could help me out :
    I uploaded some files from the studio (using the mass importing system on the terminal) Then I deleted them from the Web (because Iforgot to put information on the titles). After that, I tried to do the mass importing method again but..
    - it only duplicates them (using --link)
    - trying to upload them manually it tells me the files are aleady existing in the Storage
    - when I browse for the files, the search system will not find them.

    So I can't find them anymore neither on the Studio nor on the Web.
    And I can't uplaod them anyway for the reasons listed above.

    Same thing on the Web interface.
    What am I doing wrong?

    And just out of curiosity:
    I see that when uploading, on the Web interface the files are visible just browsing them. What would the Hub be usefull for?
    And would it be possible to upload mass files onto the Hub?

    Thanks for the help
