[campcaster-dev] Implementing Campcaster Storage server
  • Hi,

    Pak Daulat is the technical director at Kantor Berita Radio 68H in
    Jakarta, and is working on implementing Campcaster there. He had some
    questions, so I'll put them out to the group.

    Thanks in advance,


    ----- Forwarded by Douglas Arellanes/Mdlf on 04/13/2007 10:16 AM -----

    Daulat Nababan
    04/13/2007 10:02 AM
    Please respond to daulat

    To: Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org
    cc: Daulat Nabababn
    Subject: Implementing Campcaster Storage server

    Dear Douglas,

    We have started to implement the Campcaster's Storage server for our
    audio archive. However, I needed to tweak the system so that only
    administrators could add, edit and delete audio while other users can
    only browse. I hope that I wont get into trouble with the system in the

    This is what I did:
    1.Copied /opt/campcaster/var/Campcaster/ to /opt/campcaster/var/Search/.
    2.Linked /var/www/search to /opt/campcaster/var/Search.
    3.Linked /opt/campcaster/var/Search/storageServer to
    4.Edited /opt/campcaster/var/Search/htmlUI/var/templates/menu.tpl took
    off all links except for ##Media Library##.
    took off all links except ##Listen##.
    /opt/campcaster/var/Search/htmlUI/var/templates/library/results.tpl took
    off multiaction.
    7.Added to apache the /var/www/campcaster directory allowing only
    admin's ip.
    8.Added to apache the /var/www/search directory allowing all intranet.

    In this way I can have admins open /var/www/campcaster and other users
    only /var/www/search. Is this ok or is there another way to do this.

    Well that's about it, hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,