[campcaster-dev] Submitting patches via Trac?
  • I fixed a bug in the 1.2 SVN branch (which happens to be the same revision in trunk) but I can't find a way to formally submit the patch outside of this mailing list. Tickets appear to be read only until someone from MDLF approves a login? Perhaps I'm wrong.

    Anyway, adding new users to a group was broken in the 1.2 branch from svn. The file in question is
    src/modules/htmlUI/var/templates/subjects/manageGroupMember.tpl revision 2774
    The issue was it was importing the wrong function to get the initial group name from the database.

    I've attached the patch.

    Lee Azzarello
    Sounds, Systems, Robots, Rocking Tigers
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • You can login to Trac using "guest/campware"...we force people to login because
    of spam.

    Thanks for the patch!

    Lee A. Azzarello wrote:
    > I fixed a bug in the 1.2 SVN branch (which happens to be the same revision in trunk) but I can't find a way to formally submit the patch outside of this mailing list. Tickets appear to be read only until someone from MDLF approves a login? Perhaps I'm wrong.
    > Anyway, adding new users to a group was broken in the 1.2 branch from svn. The file in question is
    > src/modules/htmlUI/var/templates/subjects/manageGroupMember.tpl revision 2774
    > The issue was it was importing the wrong function to get the initial group name from the database.
    > I've attached the patch.
    > _______________________________________
    > Lee Azzarello
    > Sounds, Systems, Robots, Rocking Tigers