[campcaster-dev] playlist
  • where are the playlist files located in the subversion?

    i want to clean the db and re-import everything but i don't want to delete
    the playlists
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • sawyer x wrote on 03/09/2007 11:29 AM:
    > where are the playlist files located in the subversion?
    > i want to clean the db and re-import everything but i don't want to
    > delete the playlists

    This is not very easy to do; the insides of the the storage server are
    not designed to be manipulated by hand.

    One way I can think of now, which works if you only have a 10 or 20
    playlists and not hundreds:
    1. In Studio, do a search for playlists (Search --> Advanced Search
    --> File types: playlists).
    2. Export each playlist (right-click; Export Playlist; Export as:
    Campcaster archive). Remember where you saved them; the default is your
    home directory.
    3. Clean the database (make -C src/modules/storageServer db_clean
    dir_setup db_init).
    4. Log out of Studio, or log back in.
    5. Import each playlist using the Upload File window; don't fill out
    any of the metadata fields, these will be filled in automatically from
    the exported playlists.
    6. Re-import the other files (in Studio, the web interface, or using
    the campcaster-import script); songs already uploaded with the playlists
    will be skipped.
