Re: [campcaster-dev] darkice 0.18 released - with archiving functionality
  • OK, thanks for the clarification. We'll test it, and we'll pester you with
    questions Smile

    Here is one right now: Is it still possible to set up darkice to cut up
    files automatically (e.g. into 1-hour files), the way darklog does? I am
    thinking of a scenario whereby the playout system is used only for, say 70%
    of programming, the rest could be live, call-in prorgrams. And you still
    need to have a full archive of what was broadcast for legal reasons.


  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • wrote:
    > OK, thanks for the clarification. We'll test it, and we'll pester you with
    > questions Smile
    > Here is one right now: Is it still possible to set up darkice to cut up
    > files automatically (e.g. into 1-hour files), the way darklog does? I am
    > thinking of a scenario whereby the playout system is used only for, say 70%
    > of programming, the rest could be live, call-in prorgrams. And you still
    > need to have a full archive of what was broadcast for legal reasons.

    yes, it is still possible. more flexibility does not mean we've lost
    functionality. it does mean it's a bit more elaborate though.
