[campcaster-dev] Very high level languages
  • To better explain why development time in very high level languages like Ruby
    and Python is much faster than in C++, I've written up this list. Please feel
    free to add to it.

    Advantages of Python/Ruby over C++
    * Automatic memory management
    * Automatic array bounds checking/missing array elements
    * Automatically cross-platform
    * Huge standard libraries
    * Much less code to write the same thing because these languages have
    a more powerful syntax. Less code means less maintenance which mean less
    * Everything is an object, even the built-in types
    * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    * No compiling
    * No makefiles
    * No header files
    * Introspection
    * Metaprogramming - for example, you can dynamically change the
    methods of a class at run time. An example of this is creating
    a wrapper for another object automatically at runtime.
    * Lower barrier to entry: its easier for others to help the project because
    Python and Ruby are easier to learn. There is also no build system to learn.
    * Better debuggability: there is a stack trace and line number every time you
    crash, and even end users can send you this information.

    All of this means that developing in Ruby or Python is somewhere around 3x-5x
    faster (maybe more) than developing in C++. This means that in one year with
    Ruby or Python what would take 3-5 years in C++. This gives us a huge
    competitive advantage. Or, looked at another way, if a competitor decides to go
    with one of these languages, we will be left in the dust.

    - Paul
  • 12 Comments sorted by
  • Some additions then:

    Advantages of C++ over Ruby/Python

    1. Variables are declared.
    In Python, if a function begins with "a = 1", you don't know if this
    modifies the value of an existing variable, or creates a new one.

    2. Functions have signatures.
    The declaration of each function tells you what kind of arguments it
    takes and what kind of value it returns. In Ruby/Python, you either
    need to read through the function definition to find this out, or rely
    on comments, which may be missing or out of date.

    3. Classes have interfaces.
    The public interface of each class is grouped together in one place,
    easy to find and read. In Ruby/Python, you need to read through the
    whole class definition to find this out.

    4. Compile-time error checking.
    Many programming errors are caught by the compiler. In Ruby/Python,
    syntax checking is much weaker, and you only find these errors when you
    run that particular line of code. Result: buggier code, more crashes
    for the user.

    But most importantly:

    5. We already have it.
    MDLF spent a lot of money for the existing code. MDLF spent a lot of
    money on me gaining expertise in C++ and Gtk+. You are proposing to
    throw all this away, and start from scratch. It will take at least 2
    months each to convert Studio and the Scheduler (probably more). During
    this time, no new features will be implemented. Who is going to pay for
    this? For at least another year, we will struggle to build up all the
    development environment features (documentation generation, unit testing
    framework, deb package building scripts etc) that you are about to throw

    You are saying this investment is worth it, because we will save so much
    time later. Let me explain why I am skeptical. I spend about 40% of my
    time planning (what objects to use, in which modules to put them, what
    the interface will be, how the responsibilities are divided between
    objects); 20% writing the code; and 40% debugging it. The planning
    stage is language-independent; I don't see how any savings could be made
    there. Debugging will become _more_ time-consuming, not less. That
    leaves a 10% time savings, very optimistically. You have never properly
    explained where your claim of a 67% to 80% savings ("maybe more") comes

    Comments about your points:

    Paul Baranowski wrote on 03/01/2007 04:24 PM:
    > Advantages of Python/Ruby over C++
    > ==================================
    > * Automatic memory management
    Same in C++, with smart pointers. We never use delete in our existing code.

    > * Automatic array bounds checking/missing array elements
    Same in C++, using the standard library container types.

    > * Automatically cross-platform
    Not quite true; if you call outside functions like tar and curl, rely on
    the location of the user's home directory, etc, Ruby/Python code can be
    Linux-only, too. But yes, it is easier to write portable code.
    Accepted with qualifications.

    > * Huge standard libraries
    Wow. You must be kidding. In C++, you can use any C library in
    existence; that means most of the code ever written on this planet! No
    standard library can touch that. Besides, I'm not sure even Glib or Qt
    alone is smaller than the Python standard library.
    Rejected; the opposite is true, by a wide margin.

    > * Much less code to write the same thing because these languages have
    > a more powerful syntax. Less code means less maintenance which mean
    > less
    > time.
    Yes, it will save some time, see above. However, the main maintenance
    problem we have is that the code is in 2 different languages. This
    would not solve that; in fact, at least temporarily, and possibly
    permanently, the project would be in 3 languages!
    Accepted, as a source of at most a 10% savings.

    > * Everything is an object, even the built-in types
    That's nice, but not very relevant.

    > * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    Same in the C++ standard library.

    > * No compiling
    Accepted, but not significant. Buy a computer made in this century, please.

    > * No makefiles
    We do need some replacement for the automake system you are about to
    junk, to automate various tasks (see above). These new makefile-like
    scripts may be simpler than the C++ makefiles; but we need to learn how
    to write them, how to use them, and write them from scratch.
    Rejected as written;
    Accepted with qualifications if changed to "simpler makefiles".

    > * No header files
    This is a disadvantage; see points 1, 2 and 3 above.

    > * Introspection
    > * Metaprogramming - for example, you can dynamically change the
    > methods of a class at run time. An example of this is creating
    > a wrapper for another object automatically at runtime.
    Maybe nice, surely very dangerous, not relevant.

    > * Lower barrier to entry: its easier for others to help the project
    > because
    > Python and Ruby are easier to learn.
    My experience is that it takes a week to learn a language, and a year to
    become reasonably good at programming in it. Any language. Of course,
    this is a subjective thing, you may be right about some other people.
    Accepted, as a subjective impression.

    > There is also no build system
    > to learn.
    There ought to be; if you meant to say "simpler build system", then OK.
    See the "no makefiles" point above.

    > * Better debuggability: there is a stack trace and line number every
    > time you
    > crash, and even end users can send you this information.
    Not clearly an advantage. I don't want users to send me a stack trace;
    I want them to tell me how to reproduce the bug. Besides, if they are
    running the app from the menu, they don't get the crash message. Might
    be useful in some rare cases, though.
    Accepted as a small advantage.

    > All of this means that developing in Ruby or Python is somewhere around
    > 3x-5x faster (maybe more) than developing in C++. This means that in
    > one year with Ruby or Python what would take 3-5 years in C++. This
    > gives us a huge competitive advantage. Or, looked at another way, if a
    > competitor decides to go with one of these languages, we will be left in
    > the dust.
    See above.

  • Let me chip in on the debate, though I understand that comments from an
    by-now outsider are not always welcome Smile

    one point that Paul is missing IMHO is that development is not just
    about writing the code. a proper development life cycle constist of
    other steps as well, such as:

    - testing, hopefully automated testing
    - profiling
    - generating metrics, like:
    - compilation output
    - code formatting reports
    - code coverage metrics
    - static code base metrics

    my experience is that most of these tools are badly lacking in scripting
    languages - usually the simplest sanity checking that comes with
    compliation isn't there to begin with

    also, code is only written once, and then it is maintained, modified,
    changed, etc. in 95% of it's life. thus it's not really relevant how
    much time it takes to write it first. the relevant thing is to be able
    to hand it over to other people, to be able to (hopefully automatically)
    check for its quality over and over again, to improve on it, etc.

    another point I wanted to make is that Paul's assumption fo 2-3 times
    faster development life cycle does not take into account the whole life
    cycle of design, testing, etc. writing the code is usually not the
    biggest part. and because the above tools are lacking, actually
    verification and code improvement are a lot harder, and take more time.
    errors are more obscure because of the lack of strong type-checking, etc.

    also, Paul's claim of 2-3 times faster development can in no way be
    deduced from the statements he makes before this claim. what I see is a
    list of opinions, and then a claim out of thin air. is there any
    statistical / historic data that supports this development improvement?

    on the side of having a language easier to learn: it might be easier to
    learn script languages on a superficial level, but because of a lack of
    safety and machine-checking it's much harder to work with it on the long
    run, especially on complex problems. also, the lower barrier of entry
    will bring you less capable people around. everyone can master the
    "here's my first script" tutorial, and claim to be a programmer in that
    script language. and while these people will be cheaper, they won't be
    able to comprehend the whole development process, make good design
    decisions, write clean code, etc.

    having a language that actually makes you think before you act produces
    cleaner results.

    having said all this, I believe that these arguments are mostly based on
    beliefs. the biggest point is that the development team is efficient
    within the environment they work in.


    PS: and since then, our company does make project in Ruby on Rails, for
    example, so it's not that we don't use these things, but only criticise
  • First, please note that my arguments apply for only application programming. If
    you are writing an OS or system library, C/C++ are good languages to use.

    Ferenc Gerlits wrote:
    > Advantages of C++ over Ruby/Python
    > ==================================
    > 1. Variables are declared.
    > In Python, if a function begins with "a = 1", you don't know if this
    > modifies the value of an existing variable, or creates a new one.

    For application level programming, this is actually a disadvantage of C/C++.
    PHP is an interpreted language without variable declarations, it is used for all
    of Campsite and as you know, lots of modules in Campcaster. Somehow it survives
    with pretty much the same bug count as the C++ code. Now imagine the same code
    written in C++ (e.g. write the HTML UI in C++), how much more code it would take
    and how much longer it would have been to build? The reason that variable type
    declarations dont matter so much is that most of the time the scope of variables
    are limited. Much of the time you are using variables and then just throwing
    them away. The times that I have run into problems with typeless variables is
    when they were poorly named, such as "x" or "t".

    > 2. Functions have signatures.
    > The declaration of each function tells you what kind of arguments it
    > takes and what kind of value it returns. In Ruby/Python, you either
    > need to read through the function definition to find this out, or rely
    > on comments, which may be missing or out of date.

    Function do have signatures in Python/Ruby/PHP. If they didnt, it would very
    hard to call functions if you didnt know what the parameters were. There is
    automatic documentation generation for these languages as well, and just because
    function parameters arent typed doesnt mean you dont document them and use good
    variable names. Its also nice to be able to say that "parameter 1 can be a
    string or an integer". A very simple example of why you wouldnt care about the
    type is when you are printing something out: you dont care whether they have
    given you the integer 5 or the string "5" when you say "you have PARAMETER1

    Most of the time functions in scripting languages are no different than C/C++:
    functions take certain arguments of certain types. The types are documented,
    just as they are in C++. For the cases where types really matter (surprisingly
    rare), you can put in checks to make sure variables are a certain type.

    > 3. Classes have interfaces.
    > The public interface of each class is grouped together in one place,
    > easy to find and read. In Ruby/Python, you need to read through the
    > whole class definition to find this out.

    There are also interfaces in Python/Ruby/PHP. If they didnt have these, it
    would be really hard to use classes. I dont know of any languages besides C/C++
    that require header files, and for good reason: its a bad idea to have mandatory
    duplication of your work. If you want to know the interface of a class, why not
    look at the generated documentation or use an IDE that will show you the
    interface to a class? There are multiple ways IDE's can show this, one of which
    is "code folding" which basically makes the file look like a header file (it
    hides the content of the functions which you can expand using little "+" signs
    next to the function signature).

    > 4. Compile-time error checking.
    > Many programming errors are caught by the compiler. In Ruby/Python,
    > syntax checking is much weaker, and you only find these errors when you
    > run that particular line of code. Result: buggier code, more crashes
    > for the user.

    Once you start using these languages you will find that this isnt true. PHP
    does not have compile-time error checking and yet these kinds of bugs almost
    never show up in our PHP code. C/C++ is not immune to these types of bugs
    either, as any function that takes a variable number of arguments will have this
    same problem. Basically compile-time checking is just one form of testing, and
    it is a test you dont need 99% of the time. So you end up wasting all that time
    writing these mandatory compile-time tests for your code. I encourage you to
    take up Python and/or Ruby and find this out for yourself.

    > But most importantly:
    > 5. We already have it.
    > MDLF spent a lot of money for the existing code. MDLF spent a lot of
    > money on me gaining expertise in C++ and Gtk+. You are proposing to
    > throw all this away, and start from scratch. It will take at least 2
    > months each to convert Studio and the Scheduler (probably more). During
    > this time, no new features will be implemented. Who is going to pay for
    > this? For at least another year, we will struggle to build up all the
    > development environment features (documentation generation, unit testing
    > framework, deb package building scripts etc) that you are about to throw
    > away.

    You will find that it will take you about 1 week at most to learn python or ruby
    (PHP takes longer actually). Getting more proficient in them wont take long
    either, as any libraries you now know will have the same API as they did before.
    All of our previous code is not thrown away as we would base the new code on
    the old code. So we arent starting from scratch, and we arent re-architecting

    Regardless, we dont really have a choice whether we want to go this route or
    not. If we dont, we will never get the features we need with our limited staff.
    If we dont, someone else will come along, build a similar product using one of
    these languages, completely pass us by and make us obsolete. On top of that,
    these languages make programming fun again! It is a real joy to use them.

    > You are saying this investment is worth it, because we will save so much
    > time later. Let me explain why I am skeptical. I spend about 40% of my
    > time planning (what objects to use, in which modules to put them, what
    > the interface will be, how the responsibilities are divided between
    > objects); 20% writing the code; and 40% debugging it. The planning
    > stage is language-independent; I don't see how any savings could be made
    > there. Debugging will become _more_ time-consuming, not less. That
    > leaves a 10% time savings, very optimistically. You have never properly
    > explained where your claim of a 67% to 80% savings ("maybe more") comes
    > from.

    I understand your skepticism, I felt it even more so than you before I tried out
    Python. It took me a while to break down and finally give it a try, and when I
    did, I was so sad about how much time I had wasted with C++ because someone had
    told me about Python a few years before and I didnt try it then. C++ is great
    for writing OS's and libraries, but very poor for writing applications. As one
    conference speaker I saw put it, "C++ is a great high-level assembly language."

    >> * Automatic memory management
    > Same in C++, with smart pointers. We never use delete in our existing code.
    > Rejected.

    Wouldnt it be so much nicer if you didnt have to use smart pointers and your
    variables Just Worked(tm)?

    >> * Automatic array bounds checking/missing array elements
    > Same in C++, using the standard library container types.
    > Rejected.

    Which standard library do you refer to? Are you referring to the STL?

    >> * Automatically cross-platform
    > Not quite true; if you call outside functions like tar and curl, rely on
    > the location of the user's home directory, etc, Ruby/Python code can be
    > Linux-only, too. But yes, it is easier to write portable code.
    > Accepted with qualifications.

    Tar and curl have libraries built into these languages, so there is no outside
    library to call. Users home directory will be given to you with a system call.
    The main non-cross-platform item for us would be how to specify the audio

    >> * Huge standard libraries
    > Wow. You must be kidding. In C++, you can use any C library in
    > existence; that means most of the code ever written on this planet! No
    > standard library can touch that. Besides, I'm not sure even Glib or Qt
    > alone is smaller than the Python standard library.
    > Rejected; the opposite is true, by a wide margin.

    You may be able to use any library in existence, but do they work together? Do
    they compile on your system? Certainly the answer is "no" to the first. As far
    as compiling on your system...the answer would be "most of the time", but its
    not a rare occurrence when one doesnt as we have seen with PowerPC and even
    different flavors of Linux.

    >> * Much less code to write the same thing because these languages have
    >> a more powerful syntax. Less code means less maintenance which mean
    >> less
    >> time.
    > Yes, it will save some time, see above. However, the main maintenance
    > problem we have is that the code is in 2 different languages. This
    > would not solve that; in fact, at least temporarily, and possibly
    > permanently, the project would be in 3 languages!
    > Accepted, as a source of at most a 10% savings.

    In practice, the time saved is much larger than your estimate. How can you make
    a guess like that without any experience with it?

    >> * Everything is an object, even the built-in types
    > That's nice, but not very relevant.
    > Rejected.

    This is very important. It allows you to figure out the type of something at
    runtime. Java also has this property. It makes for much more powerful object
    oriented systems, and even better design patterns. Once you use these languages
    you will see that C++ actually isnt very object-oriented.

    >> * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    > Same in the C++ standard library.
    > Rejected.

    I never heard of a C++ array that lets you store any kind of object at any
    location using both numerical and string indexes at the same time. It could be
    partly done with a bunch of void* pointers but you still wouldnt know what kind
    of values you are pulling out of the array once you got them. Are you able to
    index an array based on anything? No. Simply put: there are arrays and hashes
    in C++, but they are inflexible and have drastically reduced functionality
    compared to Python/Ruby.

    >> * No compiling
    > Accepted, but not significant. Buy a computer made in this century, please.

    Please remember that we arent talking about single programmers, but a team of
    them. I have seen all of us waste many hours on this task. Not only compiling,
    but the infrastructure around compiling things. Makefiles, documentation,
    support in IRC and on the mailing list...this is significant. And my experience
    developing in both languages shows me clearly that compiling time is not
    insignificant. Instead of Write -> Compile -> Run, you only have Write -> Run.

    >> * No makefiles
    > We do need some replacement for the automake system you are about to
    > junk, to automate various tasks (see above). These new makefile-like
    > scripts may be simpler than the C++ makefiles; but we need to learn how
    > to write them, how to use them, and write them from scratch.
    > Rejected as written;
    > Accepted with qualifications if changed to "simpler makefiles".

    Since they are interpreted languages, you dont need makefiles. Maybe you are
    referring to installation scripts?

    >> * No header files
    > This is a disadvantage; see points 1, 2 and 3 above.
    > Rejected.

    More code is a disadvantage. This is also the same in Java, where there are no
    header files, and for good reason: having to replicate code in two places is a
    bad idea.

    >> * Introspection
    >> * Metaprogramming - for example, you can dynamically change the
    >> methods of a class at run time. An example of this is creating
    >> a wrapper for another object automatically at runtime.
    > Maybe nice, surely very dangerous, not relevant.
    > Rejected.

    It's not dangerous at all, its just scary coming from the C++ world that you can
    do this sort of thing. It's very relevant because you can do very powerful
    things that are simply impossible in C++. For example, say you wanted to add a
    layer of security to a class so that you check some authentication before a
    method is accessed. Proxying an entire class is a few lines of code in Python.
    In C++, you would have to override the class and write a wrapper function for
    every function. Imagine doing this for those classes that have hundreds of
    functions. First: why is this dangerous? Second: why is it not relevant? More
    powerful programming concepts like this allow for less code, less time spent
    developing, and much easier maintainability (from the example above, a handful
    of dynamic lines compared to hundreds of static and inflexible lines of code).
    There are many other powerful programming techniques such as this in Python as
    well, this isnt the only one.

    >> * Lower barrier to entry: its easier for others to help the project
    >> because
    >> Python and Ruby are easier to learn.
    > My experience is that it takes a week to learn a language, and a year to
    > become reasonably good at programming in it. Any language. Of course,
    > this is a subjective thing, you may be right about some other people.
    > Accepted, as a subjective impression.

    Would you rather try to teach a child C++ or Python/Ruby? It takes years to
    truly understand how to use C++ properly, never mind there are so many styles
    and ways to do the same thing. And the STL is impossible for a newbie to

    >> There is also no build system
    >> to learn.
    > There ought to be; if you meant to say "simpler build system", then OK.
    > See the "no makefiles" point above.

    Why should we have more work?

    >> * Better debuggability: there is a stack trace and line number every
    >> time you
    >> crash, and even end users can send you this information.
    > Not clearly an advantage. I don't want users to send me a stack trace;
    > I want them to tell me how to reproduce the bug. Besides, if they are
    > running the app from the menu, they don't get the crash message. Might
    > be useful in some rare cases, though.
    > Accepted as a small advantage.

    You can easily make this automatic so that we(the developers) are automatically
    sent crash messages. This is actually what Campsite does; every time a crash
    happens it is submitted to Trac directly. We even have a little box that comes
    up when this happens asking the user to type in what they were trying to do when
    the crash occurred. We've managed to fix many bugs because of this, many of
    which were cases where the user did not type in any info about what they were
    doing. Most of the time the stack trace is enough to know what happened.
    Getting automated bug reports means we know about every bug that anyone has ever
    encountered, we know how often they happen, we know about them sooner, and the
    user has minimal work to report them to us - just click a button.

    In general, if you take the above points one by one, it may not seem to add up.
    However, when all of the effects combine together, they add up to more than
    the sum of the parts. I cannot give you the experience of using these
    languages, you will have to try them yourself. However, please note that Mugur
    and I (and I believe Mark as well) have started out using C++, thinking it was
    The One True Programming Language, and then tried out Python/Ruby and we have
    found that there /is/ a significant difference. I have yet to hear about anyone
    who has actually started to use these languages and then argue against using
    them (it is usually the other way around).

    - Paul
  • I don't want to write a long email, I'm kind of tired of these talks so I'm not going to talk
    about the technical issues.

    To me it seems that Ferenc's talk comes from inexperience (including with higher level languages)
    and because of this you (Ferenc) distort things, make false assumptions. On the other side, you
    say that MDLF invested in you while you studied C++ and this investment would be lost. That's
    false too. You learned some concepts that you'll use in Python too. Besides, we all have to learn
    and study all our professional life in order to keep up with the technology. If we don't then we
    are dead from the professional point of view. You can remain at C++ level if you want to, but then
    don't ask us to do the same just because you don't want to advance.

    The UI rewriting won't take place immediately, that's not possible now. But it's a necessity and
    in time this will become obvious for most of the people. We can do this sooner, when we are still
    in the lead, or we can do this later (like with Campsite) when we will become kind of obsolete.

    I programed (not much) in Python and from my (short) experience things get much simpler in this
    language, from design to testing (through implementation, install scripts, dependencies etc.). You
    don't have to believe me. For those of you who don't know this please JUST DO SOMETHING in Python
    before you answer (but not a 10 lines program).


    --- Paul Baranowski wrote:
    > First, please note that my arguments apply for only application programming. If
    > you are writing an OS or system library, C/C++ are good languages to use.
    > Ferenc Gerlits wrote:
    > > Advantages of C++ over Ruby/Python
    > > ==================================
    > > 1. Variables are declared.
    > > In Python, if a function begins with "a = 1", you don't know if this
    > > modifies the value of an existing variable, or creates a new one.
    > For application level programming, this is actually a disadvantage of C/C++.
    > PHP is an interpreted language without variable declarations, it is used for all
    > of Campsite and as you know, lots of modules in Campcaster. Somehow it survives
    > with pretty much the same bug count as the C++ code. Now imagine the same code
    > written in C++ (e.g. write the HTML UI in C++), how much more code it would take
    > and how much longer it would have been to build? The reason that variable type
    > declarations dont matter so much is that most of the time the scope of variables
    > are limited. Much of the time you are using variables and then just throwing
    > them away. The times that I have run into problems with typeless variables is
    > when they were poorly named, such as "x" or "t".
    > > 2. Functions have signatures.
    > > The declaration of each function tells you what kind of arguments it
    > > takes and what kind of value it returns. In Ruby/Python, you either
    > > need to read through the function definition to find this out, or rely
    > > on comments, which may be missing or out of date.
    > Function do have signatures in Python/Ruby/PHP. If they didnt, it would very
    > hard to call functions if you didnt know what the parameters were. There is
    > automatic documentation generation for these languages as well, and just because
    > function parameters arent typed doesnt mean you dont document them and use good
    > variable names. Its also nice to be able to say that "parameter 1 can be a
    > string or an integer". A very simple example of why you wouldnt care about the
    > type is when you are printing something out: you dont care whether they have
    > given you the integer 5 or the string "5" when you say "you have PARAMETER1
    > points".
    > Most of the time functions in scripting languages are no different than C/C++:
    > functions take certain arguments of certain types. The types are documented,
    > just as they are in C++. For the cases where types really matter (surprisingly
    > rare), you can put in checks to make sure variables are a certain type.
    > > 3. Classes have interfaces.
    > > The public interface of each class is grouped together in one place,
    > > easy to find and read. In Ruby/Python, you need to read through the
    > > whole class definition to find this out.
    > There are also interfaces in Python/Ruby/PHP. If they didnt have these, it
    > would be really hard to use classes. I dont know of any languages besides C/C++
    > that require header files, and for good reason: its a bad idea to have mandatory
    > duplication of your work. If you want to know the interface of a class, why not
    > look at the generated documentation or use an IDE that will show you the
    > interface to a class? There are multiple ways IDE's can show this, one of which
    > is "code folding" which basically makes the file look like a header file (it
    > hides the content of the functions which you can expand using little "+" signs
    > next to the function signature).
    > > 4. Compile-time error checking.
    > > Many programming errors are caught by the compiler. In Ruby/Python,
    > > syntax checking is much weaker, and you only find these errors when you
    > > run that particular line of code. Result: buggier code, more crashes
    > > for the user.
    > Once you start using these languages you will find that this isnt true. PHP
    > does not have compile-time error checking and yet these kinds of bugs almost
    > never show up in our PHP code. C/C++ is not immune to these types of bugs
    > either, as any function that takes a variable number of arguments will have this
    > same problem. Basically compile-time checking is just one form of testing, and
    > it is a test you dont need 99% of the time. So you end up wasting all that time
    > writing these mandatory compile-time tests for your code. I encourage you to
    > take up Python and/or Ruby and find this out for yourself.
    > > But most importantly:
    > >
    > > 5. We already have it.
    > > MDLF spent a lot of money for the existing code. MDLF spent a lot of
    > > money on me gaining expertise in C++ and Gtk+. You are proposing to
    > > throw all this away, and start from scratch. It will take at least 2
    > > months each to convert Studio and the Scheduler (probably more). During
    > > this time, no new features will be implemented. Who is going to pay for
    > > this? For at least another year, we will struggle to build up all the
    > > development environment features (documentation generation, unit testing
    > > framework, deb package building scripts etc) that you are about to throw
    > > away.
    > You will find that it will take you about 1 week at most to learn python or ruby
    > (PHP takes longer actually). Getting more proficient in them wont take long
    > either, as any libraries you now know will have the same API as they did before.
    > All of our previous code is not thrown away as we would base the new code on
    > the old code. So we arent starting from scratch, and we arent re-architecting
    > anything.
    > Regardless, we dont really have a choice whether we want to go this route or
    > not. If we dont, we will never get the features we need with our limited staff.
    > If we dont, someone else will come along, build a similar product using one of
    > these languages, completely pass us by and make us obsolete. On top of that,
    > these languages make programming fun again! It is a real joy to use them.
    > > You are saying this investment is worth it, because we will save so much
    > > time later. Let me explain why I am skeptical. I spend about 40% of my
    > > time planning (what objects to use, in which modules to put them, what
    > > the interface will be, how the responsibilities are divided between
    > > objects); 20% writing the code; and 40% debugging it. The planning
    > > stage is language-independent; I don't see how any savings could be made
    > > there. Debugging will become _more_ time-consuming, not less. That
    > > leaves a 10% time savings, very optimistically. You have never properly
    > > explained where your claim of a 67% to 80% savings ("maybe more") comes
    > > from.
    > I understand your skepticism, I felt it even more so than you before I tried out
    > Python. It took me a while to break down and finally give it a try, and when I
    > did, I was so sad about how much time I had wasted with C++ because someone had
    > told me about Python a few years before and I didnt try it then. C++ is great
    > for writing OS's and libraries, but very poor for writing applications. As one
    > conference speaker I saw put it, "C++ is a great high-level assembly language."
    > >> * Automatic memory management
    > > Same in C++, with smart pointers. We never use delete in our existing code.
    > > Rejected.
    > Wouldnt it be so much nicer if you didnt have to use smart pointers and your
    > variables Just Worked(tm)?
    > >> * Automatic array bounds checking/missing array elements
    > > Same in C++, using the standard library container types.
    > > Rejected.
    > Which standard library do you refer to? Are you referring to the STL?
    > >> * Automatically cross-platform
    > > Not quite true; if you call outside functions like tar and curl, rely on
    > > the location of the user's home directory, etc, Ruby/Python code can be
    > > Linux-only, too. But yes, it is easier to write portable code.
    > > Accepted with qualifications.
    > Tar and curl have libraries built into these languages, so there is no outside
    > library to call. Users home directory will be given to you with a system call.
    > The main non-cross-platform item for us would be how to specify the audio
    > devices.
    > >> * Huge standard libraries
    > > Wow. You must be kidding. In C++, you can use any C library in
    > > existence; that means most of the code ever written on this planet! No
    > > standard library can touch that. Besides, I'm not sure even Glib or Qt
    > > alone is smaller than the Python standard library.
    > > Rejected; the opposite is true, by a wide margin.
    > You may be able to use any library in existence, but do they work together? Do
    > they compile on your system? Certainly the answer is "no" to the first. As far
    > as compiling on your system...the answer would be "most of the time", but its
    > not a rare occurrence when one doesnt as we have seen with PowerPC and even
    > different flavors of Linux.
    > >> * Much less code to write the same thing because these languages have
    > >> a more powerful syntax. Less code means less maintenance which mean
    > >> less
    > >> time.
    > > Yes, it will save some time, see above. However, the main maintenance
    > > problem we have is that the code is in 2 different languages. This
    > > would not solve that; in fact, at least temporarily, and possibly
    > > permanently, the project would be in 3 languages!
    > > Accepted, as a source of at most a 10% savings.
    > In practice, the time saved is much larger than your estimate. How can you make
    > a guess like that without any experience with it?
    > >> * Everything is an object, even the built-in types
    > > That's nice, but not very relevant.
    > > Rejected.
    > This is very important. It allows you to figure out the type of something at
    > runtime. Java also has this property. It makes for much more powerful object
    > oriented systems, and even better design patterns. Once you use these languages
    > you will see that C++ actually isnt very object-oriented.
    > >> * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    > > Same in the C++ standard library.
    > > Rejected.
    > I never heard of a C++ array that lets you store any kind of object at any
    > location using both numerical and string indexes at the same time. It could be
    > partly done with a bunch of void* pointers but you still wouldnt know what kind
    > of values you are pulling out of the array once you got them. Are you able to
    > index an array based on anything? No. Simply put: there are arrays and hashes
    > in C++, but they are inflexible and have drastically reduced functionality
    > compared to Python/Ruby.
    > >> * No compiling
    === message truncated ===

    Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www.Answers.yahoo.com. Try it now.
  • Hi Paul,

    I don't think I can change your mind; I failed at that in much more
    clear-cut cases. But I do believe you are about to do great harm to the
    project, and I want my conscience to be clear: I tried to prevent it.

    (Parentethical remark: this discussion may be completely moot, as the
    project may be dead already -- do we have funding for March? Are there
    any good prospects for funding?)

    A few comments, though, because I find it hard to let go, too. Smile

    Paul Baranowski wrote on 03/02/2007 02:16 PM:
    > throwing them away. The times that I have run into problems with
    > typeless variables is when they were poorly named, such as "x" or "t".

    Let me translate: you can compensate for the lack of enforced scope and
    type declaration in the language by using comments (which variable names
    really are). True -- but comments can be missing (as you note above)
    and can become out of date.

    > Its also nice to be able to
    > say that "parameter 1 can be a string or an integer".

    Does some automatic documentation tool extract this information directly
    from the code? If yes, I'm really happy about it, and it invalidates
    some of my argument. But if it depends on hand-written comments, it
    suffers from the same problems I just mentioned.

    > the interface of a class, why not look at the generated documentation or

    This argument would be more convincing if one of your first acts on the
    Campcaster team had not been to remove the doxygen documentation for the
    PHP modules. You still have not replaced it with anything else; the PHP
    modules have no generated documentation at the moment.

    >>> * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    >> Same in the C++ standard library.
    >> Rejected.
    > I never heard of a C++ array that lets you store any kind of object at
    > any location using both numerical and string indexes at the same time.

    Let's just stop here for a second. There are two major things wrong
    with this. First, your debating style. I paraphrase:
    P: Python and Ruby have built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries;
    C++ does not.
    F: Not true: the STL has bound-checked arrays, lists and hashes, too.
    P: You are wrong, because there is no STL data type that can be
    accessed using both numerical and string indexes at the same time.

    This is not a fair argument. You can say "You are wrong: STL does not
    have these data types." or you can say "You are wrong: the STL is not
    part of C++." or you can say "Okay, I was wrong. However, what
    about..." You can't change your original statement.

    Second, what is a data type which is both an array (indexed by numbers)
    and a hash (indexed by keys)? An array is laid out in memory linearly,
    so its nth value can be found quickly. A hash is some kind of a linked
    search tree, where you can find the first element with (key >= "abc")
    quickly, but finding the nth element is slow. Of course, I can write
    code to access an array object by a key, or a hash object by an index,
    but this should be done in very rare cases only. If a language
    encourages this sort of bad coding, that is a big minus, not a plus.
    Does Python?

    > Since they are interpreted languages, you dont need makefiles. Maybe
    > you are referring to installation scripts?

    Installation scripts, documentation generating scripts, unit test
    running scripts, dependency checking scripts. (You do want our code to
    check that the required Ruby/Python version and add-on modules are
    present, right? It's not just going to crash if they aren't?) If we
    switch to Qt, there are lots of intermediate files generated by qmake;
    these should be handled by some sort of makefile, too. We can call it
    something else, like "project file", or "script file", if you prefer.

    > please note that Mugur and I (and I believe Mark as well) have started
    > out using C++, thinking it was The One True Programming Language, and

    I really don't. My order of preference right now (based on just having
    read one tutorial in the case of Ruby and Python, it's true) is Ruby >
    Java > C++ > Python > BASIC. If we were starting out with the project
    now, many of your arguments would make sense. But we have a large
    amount of code already, and rewriting it will take a lot of time, which
    does not seem like time well spent to me.

  • My two cents, as someone who isn't on the development team but knows about
    more than a few different programming and scripting languages, is that if
    it's either Python or Ruby, then it should be Python.

    Python is way more popular and could be found on more operating systems and
    comes as part of the OS in many cases. Ruby however, is less popular, less
    widespead and not supported enough. Also, that is why Python interpreter
    code is more mature.

    However, I would like to give a shout out for Perl. Smile

    Just my two cents.
  • Hi everybody,

    I always knew this would be a hit topic. Almost as good as the renaming
    debate/flames. Thanks everybody for chipping in (that means, you too Akos,
    Smile please feel free to contribute -- it is an open project).

    I'll try to summarize the debate so far from a layman's point of view
    (please correct me if I am wrong, but in equally simplistic terms):
    1. Everybody seems to agree that *IF* time and money were not an issue,
    migration to a VHLL (very high level language) would be a good idea.
    2. Everybody seems to like Ruby well enough (see Ferenc's list of prefs).
    Ruby is apparently beautiful, a joy to program in, etc.(Even Akos doesn't
    hate it.)
    3. Ferenc hates Python. Markey doesn't mind Python, but prefers Ruby. Mugur
    likes Python. Paul loves Python.
    4. Ruby thus seems as the VHLL that everybody could see themselves
    programming in.
    5. Ruby is, however, not yet as mature and fast as Python.
    6. If we were to move to a VHLL, the mid-run optimum would be Python (fast,
    mature right now), the longer-run optimum would be Ruby (pretty, will get

    Am I correct in my interpretation?


    Ferenc Gerlits
    To: "The Campcaster Developers' Mailing List"
    Sent by:
    campcaster-dev-bounces@netfinity cc:
    -4.mdlf.org Subject: Re: [campcaster-dev] Very high level languages

    03/02/07 04:26 PM
    Please respond to "The
    Campcaster Developers' Mailing

    Hi Paul,

    I don't think I can change your mind; I failed at that in much more
    clear-cut cases. But I do believe you are about to do great harm to the
    project, and I want my conscience to be clear: I tried to prevent it.

    (Parentethical remark: this discussion may be completely moot, as the
    project may be dead already -- do we have funding for March? Are there
    any good prospects for funding?)

    A few comments, though, because I find it hard to let go, too. Smile

    Paul Baranowski wrote on 03/02/2007 02:16 PM:
    > throwing them away. The times that I have run into problems with
    > typeless variables is when they were poorly named, such as "x" or "t".

    Let me translate: you can compensate for the lack of enforced scope and
    type declaration in the language by using comments (which variable names
    really are). True -- but comments can be missing (as you note above)
    and can become out of date.

    > Its also nice to be able to
    > say that "parameter 1 can be a string or an integer".

    Does some automatic documentation tool extract this information directly
    from the code? If yes, I'm really happy about it, and it invalidates
    some of my argument. But if it depends on hand-written comments, it
    suffers from the same problems I just mentioned.

    > the interface of a class, why not look at the generated documentation or

    This argument would be more convincing if one of your first acts on the
    Campcaster team had not been to remove the doxygen documentation for the
    PHP modules. You still have not replaced it with anything else; the PHP
    modules have no generated documentation at the moment.

    >>> * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    >> Same in the C++ standard library.
    >> Rejected.
    > I never heard of a C++ array that lets you store any kind of object at
    > any location using both numerical and string indexes at the same time.

    Let's just stop here for a second. There are two major things wrong
    with this. First, your debating style. I paraphrase:
    P: Python and Ruby have built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries;
    C++ does not.
    F: Not true: the STL has bound-checked arrays, lists and hashes, too.
    P: You are wrong, because there is no STL data type that can be
    accessed using both numerical and string indexes at the same time.

    This is not a fair argument. You can say "You are wrong: STL does not
    have these data types." or you can say "You are wrong: the STL is not
    part of C++." or you can say "Okay, I was wrong. However, what
    about..." You can't change your original statement.

    Second, what is a data type which is both an array (indexed by numbers)
    and a hash (indexed by keys)? An array is laid out in memory linearly,
    so its nth value can be found quickly. A hash is some kind of a linked
    search tree, where you can find the first element with (key >= "abc")
    quickly, but finding the nth element is slow. Of course, I can write
    code to access an array object by a key, or a hash object by an index,
    but this should be done in very rare cases only. If a language
    encourages this sort of bad coding, that is a big minus, not a plus.
    Does Python?

    > Since they are interpreted languages, you dont need makefiles. Maybe
    > you are referring to installation scripts?

    Installation scripts, documentation generating scripts, unit test
    running scripts, dependency checking scripts. (You do want our code to
    check that the required Ruby/Python version and add-on modules are
    present, right? It's not just going to crash if they aren't?) If we
    switch to Qt, there are lots of intermediate files generated by qmake;
    these should be handled by some sort of makefile, too. We can call it
    something else, like "project file", or "script file", if you prefer.

    > please note that Mugur and I (and I believe Mark as well) have started
    > out using C++, thinking it was The One True Programming Language, and

    I really don't. My order of preference right now (based on just having
    read one tutorial in the case of Ruby and Python, it's true) is Ruby >
    Java > C++ > Python > BASIC. If we were starting out with the project
    now, many of your arguments would make sense. But we have a large
    amount of code already, and rewriting it will take a lot of time, which
    does not seem like time well spent to me.


    Invest in Press Freedom: Visit http://www.mdlf.org/support-free-press
  • Yessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    u r Smile

    Kind Regards

    Luis C. Suárez.

    PS: Paul & Ferenc.... do u need a referee?? (this is a real bad joke)

    El sáb, 03-03-2007 a las 00:36 +0100, sava.tatic@mdlf.org escribió:
    > Hi everybody,
    > I always knew this would be a hit topic. Almost as good as the renaming
    > debate/flames. Thanks everybody for chipping in (that means, you too Akos,
    > Smile please feel free to contribute -- it is an open project).
    > I'll try to summarize the debate so far from a layman's point of view
    > (please correct me if I am wrong, but in equally simplistic terms):
    > 1. Everybody seems to agree that *IF* time and money were not an issue,
    > migration to a VHLL (very high level language) would be a good idea.
    > 2. Everybody seems to like Ruby well enough (see Ferenc's list of prefs).
    > Ruby is apparently beautiful, a joy to program in, etc.(Even Akos doesn't
    > hate it.)
    > 3. Ferenc hates Python. Markey doesn't mind Python, but prefers Ruby. Mugur
    > likes Python. Paul loves Python.
    > 4. Ruby thus seems as the VHLL that everybody could see themselves
    > programming in.
    > 5. Ruby is, however, not yet as mature and fast as Python.
    > 6. If we were to move to a VHLL, the mid-run optimum would be Python (fast,
    > mature right now), the longer-run optimum would be Ruby (pretty, will get
    > faster).
    > Am I correct in my interpretation?
    > Sava
    > Ferenc Gerlits
    > To: "The Campcaster Developers' Mailing List"
    > Sent by:
    > campcaster-dev-bounces@netfinity cc:
    > -4.mdlf.org Subject: Re: [campcaster-dev] Very high level languages
    > 03/02/07 04:26 PM
    > Please respond to "The
    > Campcaster Developers' Mailing
    > List"
    > Hi Paul,
    > I don't think I can change your mind; I failed at that in much more
    > clear-cut cases. But I do believe you are about to do great harm to the
    > project, and I want my conscience to be clear: I tried to prevent it.
    > (Parentethical remark: this discussion may be completely moot, as the
    > project may be dead already -- do we have funding for March? Are there
    > any good prospects for funding?)
    > A few comments, though, because I find it hard to let go, too. Smile
    > Paul Baranowski wrote on 03/02/2007 02:16 PM:
    > > throwing them away. The times that I have run into problems with
    > > typeless variables is when they were poorly named, such as "x" or "t".
    > Let me translate: you can compensate for the lack of enforced scope and
    > type declaration in the language by using comments (which variable names
    > really are). True -- but comments can be missing (as you note above)
    > and can become out of date.
    > > Its also nice to be able to
    > > say that "parameter 1 can be a string or an integer".
    > Does some automatic documentation tool extract this information directly
    > from the code? If yes, I'm really happy about it, and it invalidates
    > some of my argument. But if it depends on hand-written comments, it
    > suffers from the same problems I just mentioned.
    > > the interface of a class, why not look at the generated documentation or
    > This argument would be more convincing if one of your first acts on the
    > Campcaster team had not been to remove the doxygen documentation for the
    > PHP modules. You still have not replaced it with anything else; the PHP
    > modules have no generated documentation at the moment.
    > >>> * Built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries
    > >> Same in the C++ standard library.
    > >> Rejected.
    > >
    > > I never heard of a C++ array that lets you store any kind of object at
    > > any location using both numerical and string indexes at the same time.
    > Let's just stop here for a second. There are two major things wrong
    > with this. First, your debating style. I paraphrase:
    > P: Python and Ruby have built-in lists/arrays and hashes/dictionaries;
    > C++ does not.
    > F: Not true: the STL has bound-checked arrays, lists and hashes, too.
    > P: You are wrong, because there is no STL data type that can be
    > accessed using both numerical and string indexes at the same time.
    > This is not a fair argument. You can say "You are wrong: STL does not
    > have these data types." or you can say "You are wrong: the STL is not
    > part of C++." or you can say "Okay, I was wrong. However, what
    > about..." You can't change your original statement.
    > Second, what is a data type which is both an array (indexed by numbers)
    > and a hash (indexed by keys)? An array is laid out in memory linearly,
    > so its nth value can be found quickly. A hash is some kind of a linked
    > search tree, where you can find the first element with (key >= "abc")
    > quickly, but finding the nth element is slow. Of course, I can write
    > code to access an array object by a key, or a hash object by an index,
    > but this should be done in very rare cases only. If a language
    > encourages this sort of bad coding, that is a big minus, not a plus.
    > Does Python?
    > > Since they are interpreted languages, you dont need makefiles. Maybe
    > > you are referring to installation scripts?
    > Installation scripts, documentation generating scripts, unit test
    > running scripts, dependency checking scripts. (You do want our code to
    > check that the required Ruby/Python version and add-on modules are
    > present, right? It's not just going to crash if they aren't?) If we
    > switch to Qt, there are lots of intermediate files generated by qmake;
    > these should be handled by some sort of makefile, too. We can call it
    > something else, like "project file", or "script file", if you prefer.
    > > please note that Mugur and I (and I believe Mark as well) have started
    > > out using C++, thinking it was The One True Programming Language, and
    > I really don't. My order of preference right now (based on just having
    > read one tutorial in the case of Ruby and Python, it's true) is Ruby >
    > Java > C++ > Python > BASIC. If we were starting out with the project
    > now, many of your arguments would make sense. But we have a large
    > amount of code already, and rewriting it will take a lot of time, which
    > does not seem like time well spent to me.
    > Ferenc
    > Invest in Press Freedom: Visit http://www.mdlf.org/support-free-press
  • > PS: Paul & Ferenc.... do u need a referee?? (this is a real bad joke)

    Yes, it looks like we do, and Sava did a good job at refereeing. Smile

    I don't hate Python, but I'd much prefer to program in some other
    language; its syntax seems to me as a step back from C++, more like
    GObject, a C library for OO programming.

    About switching: many of the claims are clearly exaggerated (10x faster
    development?) or false (features listed by Paul as advantages of Python
    which are also present in C++ [1]). Some of the other arguments are
    better, but the main one is still "this can't be explained, you will
    just see". That doesn't mean switching can not be right [2], but it's
    not being sold very well.


    [1] For example, I just read up on hashes: C++'s std::map is
    automatically sorted by key, Python's dict and Ruby's Hash is in random
    order. So if you really want to access the 5th element in a hash for
    some strange reason, you are better off with C++.

    [2] Analog: if I decide I don't want to believe that stars are the same
    kind of objects as the Sun, you won't be able to convince me, for lack
    of equipment and specialized knowledge; that doesn't mean they aren't.
  • sava.tatic@mdlf.org wrote:
    > Hi everybody,
    > debate/flames. Thanks everybody for chipping in (that means, you too Akos,
    > Smile please feel free to contribute -- it is an open project).


    > 1. Everybody seems to agree that *IF* time and money were not an issue,
    > migration to a VHLL (very high level language) would be a good idea.

    I don't think everybody agrees on that. I have the exact opposite
    opinion. (But then again, I'm an outsider.)

    I think that the biggest shortcoming of the development efforts at CAMP
    is not the language choices used (though PHP is used all around, so
    maybe...). The biggest issues are organizational, but probably that's
    another topic, not part of the development list.

    I also think that re-writing a solution just for the sake of re-writing
    does not bring any benefits. And work should be done based
    considerations on goals, benefits and resources, not fashion trends.
    but, see above, this has been an issue inside CAMP for a long time.

    if time and money were not a problem, I think the following tasks would
    have the most benefits, that don't touch organizational aspects:

    - clearing up all the APIs across components, as currently most of them
    are a huge mess
    - while clearing up, documenting the components themselves
    - finishing half-completed features

    but actually one of the biggest issues with development at CAMP is the
    lack of long-term goals, an aura of short-term financing (resulting in
    short-term solutions all over), and ever-changing, sometimes
    inconsistent preferences. a lack of solid technical leadership and a
    lack of project-ownership is also an issue, resuling in not having a
    proper development process and quality assurance.

    but these are organizational problems, and cannot be solved by just
    throughing money on the table.

    > 4. Ruby thus seems as the VHLL that everybody could see themselves
    > programming in.

    you're oversimplifying. I wouldn't recommend anyone to do anything
    audio-related in Ruby, for example.

    I just said, that yes, we do have a project in Ruby on Rails, but it's a
    web-based project (not real-time audio by a long shot). At least it's
    not as damn ugly as PHP is.

    My impression of Ruby on Rails is: can be used to avoid PHP, and can be
    used for prototyping. For anything proper, a proper environment is

  • My philosophy in building applications is "short release cycles" and "use the
    right language for the job". The right language for the job might be:

    Desktop app: Python
    Web apps: PHP/Python/Ruby
    AI: LISP/Prolog
    OS: C/C++
    Libraries: C/C++
    Game engine: C/C++
    Drivers: C/Assembler
    (and i wish there was an alternative to javascript...)

    So I am not in the camp that "Python/Ruby are the ultimate languages". They
    are, however, the right languages for our product space.