[campcaster-dev] potential inspiration for the live assist mode
  • Hi,

    I've been learning how other proprietary playout systems handle live assist
    mode, and one example I wanted to pass on here comes from a system the
    radio station I work at uses called CartMaster. CartMaster is an
    interesting - albeit somewhat flawed - system to use, but it does live
    assist very nicely.

    In their Live Assist mode, every item has two states; either 'play and
    pause at the end' or 'play through to next item'. Users set this by
    clicking on an icon on the right side of the window. Clicking the icon
    again toggles its state to the other one, from 'play and pause' to 'play
    through.' (They're the cross-fade symbol or the triangle with the red dot
    in the third column from the right).

    If we were to adopt such a system, we'd get the best of both windows, and
    wouldn't have to resort to the 'live assist' checkbox at the top of the

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it,

  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • Hi Doug.

    I really believe this is a "MUST-HAVE" feature,

    I really hope you guys can implement something very alike (with mic
    on/off capability included), this would ease live talked sessions to all
    DJs as fas as it really seems easy to use.


    Luis C. Suárez
    El lun, 05-02-2007 a las 13:08 +0100, Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org

    > Hi,
    > I've been learning how other proprietary playout systems handle live assist
    > mode, and one example I wanted to pass on here comes from a system the
    > radio station I work at uses called CartMaster. CartMaster is an
    > interesting - albeit somewhat flawed - system to use, but it does live
    > assist very nicely.
    > In their Live Assist mode, every item has two states; either 'play and
    > pause at the end' or 'play through to next item'. Users set this by
    > clicking on an icon on the right side of the window. Clicking the icon
    > again toggles its state to the other one, from 'play and pause' to 'play
    > through.' (They're the cross-fade symbol or the triangle with the red dot
    > in the third column from the right).
    > If we were to adopt such a system, we'd get the best of both windows, and
    > wouldn't have to resort to the 'live assist' checkbox at the top of the
    > screen.
    > Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it,
    > doug
  • I'm not sure if this is what are talking about, but I've had needs to do
    "live" shows for a while (mix to DJ / telephone, then back to tracks).

    One thing I was looking at doing was to have a local icecast server that
    I would connect liveice to and tie into my local microphone / mixer pc
    (voip tied in /etc).

    Then I would have a "button" I would push that would start sending the
    live stream to a file. Once the button is pushed it would keep a tracker
    noting the current "time" and where in the live file that the current
    ime is. This way I could then specify this file as an item to be queued
    or mixed to but then specify what "time" to jump into (another thought
    on this below).

    The reason I am approaching it this way is that I have DJs all over the
    place and I needed to have a way for them to remotely queue the stream
    into the server and since everything I've seen about the app so far
    indicates that it only can broadcast files, not streams, I figured that
    if I dumped the live stream to a file and told campcaster where to start
    playing I could get close to live (:

    As for the "where to start" flag, is that something that is available?
    (haven't looked in a while). I have a lot of live recordings from DJs
    and live concerts and have notes on specific songs / tracks within the
    large file that I like. I don't want to separate the file into
    individual tracks, I'd rather say "Play this file, but start @ 15:20 and
    play to 28:05".

    Maybe if there was a live file saved by a local icecast server then when
    the DJ clicks on the mic on button it would just jump to the place in
    the file that is "now" (start + current time difference), allowing for
    multiple DJs to pre-record live shows all at the same time or live

    Just a few thoughts Smile


    Luis C. Suárez M. wrote:
    > Hi Doug.
    > I really believe this is a "MUST-HAVE" feature,
    > I really hope you guys can implement something very alike (with mic
    > on/off capability included), this would ease live talked sessions to all
    > DJs as fas as it really seems easy to use.
    > Cheers
    > Luis C. Suárez
    > El lun, 05-02-2007 a las 13:08 +0100, Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org
    > escribió:
    >> Hi,
    >> I've been learning how other proprietary playout systems handle live assist
    >> mode, and one example I wanted to pass on here comes from a system the
    >> radio station I work at uses called CartMaster. CartMaster is an
    >> interesting - albeit somewhat flawed - system to use, but it does live
    >> assist very nicely.
    >> In their Live Assist mode, every item has two states; either 'play and
    >> pause at the end' or 'play through to next item'. Users set this by
    >> clicking on an icon on the right side of the window. Clicking the icon
    >> again toggles its state to the other one, from 'play and pause' to 'play
    >> through.' (They're the cross-fade symbol or the triangle with the red dot
    >> in the third column from the right).
    >> If we were to adopt such a system, we'd get the best of both windows, and
    >> wouldn't have to resort to the 'live assist' checkbox at the top of the
    >> screen.
    >> Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it,
    >> doug
  • Hi Doug,

    Yes, it's possible, but it's considerably more work than just a checkbox
    at the top. Let's ask Robert (and Noel, and anybody else we can find)
    if they would like this feature or not. I think we can first just add
    the single checkbox, and then implement this later.


    Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org wrote on 02/05/2007 01:08 PM:
    > Hi,
    > I've been learning how other proprietary playout systems handle live assist
    > mode, and one example I wanted to pass on here comes from a system the
    > radio station I work at uses called CartMaster. CartMaster is an
    > interesting - albeit somewhat flawed - system to use, but it does live
    > assist very nicely.
    > In their Live Assist mode, every item has two states; either 'play and
    > pause at the end' or 'play through to next item'. Users set this by
    > clicking on an icon on the right side of the window. Clicking the icon
    > again toggles its state to the other one, from 'play and pause' to 'play
    > through.' (They're the cross-fade symbol or the triangle with the red dot
    > in the third column from the right).
    > If we were to adopt such a system, we'd get the best of both windows, and
    > wouldn't have to resort to the 'live assist' checkbox at the top of the
    > screen.
    > Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it,
    > doug
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Dear

    I don't think that preprogramming
    "stops" is such a great idea, because it is always better to have
    something than nothing on air. Imagine a scenario whereby you say the
    program should stop after 15 minutes. And then you get distracted and
    the playout just stops.
     The definition of the Live Assist mode is that
    a live person is in the studio, perfectly able to stop the program
    whenever is necessary. In other words, I think that the "Stop after
    playing this track" feature would be more pain than gain.
    Unless someone could come up with
    a use-case scenario where the Cartmaster-like approach would be
    superior, then I suggest we stick to the original plan  Smile


    David M. Zendzian wrote:

    I'm not sure if this is what are talking about, but I've had needs to do
    "live" shows for a while (mix to DJ / telephone, then back to tracks).

    One thing I was looking at doing was to have a local icecast server that
    I would connect liveice to and tie into my local microphone / mixer pc
    (voip tied in /etc).

    Just a few thoughts Smile


    Luis C. Suárez M. wrote:

    Hi Doug.

    I really believe this is a "MUST-HAVE" feature,

    I really hope you guys can implement something very alike (with mic
    on/off capability included), this would ease live talked sessions to all
    DJs as fas as it really seems easy to use.


    Luis C. Suárez
    El lun, 05-02-2007 a las 13:08 +0100, Douglas.Arellanes@mdlf.org


    I've been learning how other proprietary playout systems handle live assist
    mode, and one example I wanted to pass on here comes from a system the
    radio station I work at uses called CartMaster. CartMaster is an
    interesting - albeit somewhat flawed - system to use, but it does live
    assist very nicely.

    In their Live Assist mode, every item has two states; either 'play and
    pause at the end' or 'play through to next item'. Users set this by
    clicking on an icon on the right side of the window. Clicking the icon
    again toggles its state to the other one, from 'play and pause' to 'play
    through.' (They're the cross-fade symbol or the triangle with the red dot
    in the third column from the right).

    If we were to adopt such a system, we'd get the best of both windows, and
    wouldn't have to resort to the 'live assist' checkbox at the top of the

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it,
