[campcaster-dev] library added
  • Hi,

    I have added a new library to the development environment, so if you
    have a development environment checked out from the svn trunk, then
    "make recompile" is going to fail.

    The easiest way to fix this is to re-run setupDevelopmentEnvironment.sh

    The quickest way to fix it is to run this (assuming your campcaster root
    is at $HOME/src/campcaster):
    cd $HOME/src/campcaster/src/tools/libserial/libserial-0.5.2
    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/src/campcaster/usr
    make install
    cd $HOME/src/campcaster/src/products/gLiveSupport
    make distclean
    ./configure --prefix=$HOME/src/campcaster/usr --enable-debug
    make all
