CC on SuSe?
  • Hi gang.

    After I bought my new laptop (a Toshiba Satellite P100 series) the only SO that worked out of the box (only with a sound issue) was SLED 10. With Ubuntu Edgy Eft and Dapper Drake I had very serius issues, with Debian Sarge... some others, FC5 and 6 just gave me headaches with GRUB (as usual). So I had to take a hard decission and stop using ubuntu and start "learning" linux the suse way.
    SLED 10 has a very nice interface and part of my sound prblem is being attended directed by people at Novell's SR, and I believe this week will be fixed, however I've been reading a few posts (LS-ML) regarding suse and I did not find any which confirms it's running just ok.
    Has anyone run CC on suse?... if so and supposing I'll use svn to compile, which are the files, libraries, compilers, etc I must install instead of the debian one's?

    Kind Regards

    Luis C.

    I ask this 'cause I do not want to run into a dependncy hell as my early linux days using Mandrake 8.x