[campcaster-dev] import suggestion
  • Hello everyone

    My name is Sawyer and i'm with an independent DIY radio station in israel.
    i've contacted contact@campware.com and douglas kindly directed me here.

    i have a suggestion regarding the import function and even storage solution
    of Campcaster.

    these are the problems i see with the current import and storing method:
    1. people are forced to have twice (!!) as much space, which is complete
    waste and many won't have the funds for it.
    2. the filenames are rewritten (to create unique filenames) and so it's hard
    to locate where the actual song is.
    3. the current import function forces the import of the same files over and
    4. it's hard to import only new files each time
    5. the php script crashes when can't connect to a db (can someone direct me
    to better documentation on that? i didn't know it even tried to connect to
    one at first)
    a segmentation fault is caused by it.
    6. the import takes long because it copies the files. if it's from a usb,
    alright. but if i already have the songs on my hard disk?

    instead, i believe this would a be a better solution:
    1. have the files located everywhere the users want.
    2. the db will only consist of these XML files (good idea to use them)
    3. the XML files will keep a record of an MD5 sum of each file, and that way
    make sure all files are counted for.
    4. the importer will go over the files and check the DB (either MySQL,
    PostgreSQL, etc. or just empty files with filenames of the MD5) and see if
    there are any files that aren't there, and then add them - and that way it
    will make sure nothing is imported twice.
    5. integrate the import function in the web interface for administrators.
    6. final note to screen out the non-music files with `find` would be easier
    than with php

    i'm myself a programmer and would be happy to help with this development. i
    can program in bash but i major in perl, if you know what i mean Smile

    i already started rewriting it in perl because we _really_ want to use
    campcaster, but can't seem to work easily with the current import.sh so.. i
    could let you know of my progress and any help is definitely appreciated.

    tell me what you all think.
    Sawyer and RadioRasia from IsraHell.