[campcaster-dev] localizers wanted
  • Dear all,

    We are about to release version 1.1.0, and it would be really nice if it
    were localized into a few languages. Much has changed since the 1.0.2
    release, so the existing translations all need to be updated.

    You can find instructions about how to localize Campcaster here:

  • 4 Comments sorted by
  • One little note from me: please don't let the English original (mis)lead
    you. Look for local terminology that reflects the functionality the
    strings are describing. And be as conscise as possible. For example, if
    the English original says Edit Playlist, you might as well translate that
    as the equivalent for "Playlists" in your language. Please especially try
    to keep the button names short, because long strings don't look good in
    our current design.

    Good luck, and thanks in advance.


    Ferenc Gerlits
    11/21/06 06:05 PM
    Please respond to campcaster-dev

    To: campcaster-dev@netfinity-4.mdlf.org
    Subject: [campcaster-dev] localizers wanted

    Dear all,

    We are about to release version 1.1.0, and it would be really nice if it
    were localized into a few languages. Much has changed since the 1.0.2
    release, so the existing translations all need to be updated.

    You can find instructions about how to localize Campcaster here:

  • Ferenc and Sava,

    Can we send this message to the localizer-list as well ...

    Frans van Berckel

    On Tue, 2006-11-21 at 18:11 +0100, sava.tatic@mdlf.org wrote:
    > One little note from me: please don't let the English original
    > (mis)lead you. Look for local terminology that reflects the
    > functionality the strings are describing. And be as conscise as
    > possible. For example, if the English original says Edit Playlist, you
    > might as well translate that as the equivalent for "Playlists" in your
    > language. Please especially try to keep the button names short,
    > because long strings don't look good in our current design.
    > Good luck, and thanks in advance.
    > Sava
    > Ferenc Gerlits
    > 11/21/06 06:05 PM
    > Please respond to
    > campcaster-dev
    > To:
    > campcaster-dev@netfinity-4.mdlf.org
    > cc:
    > Subject:
    > [campcaster-dev]
    > localizers wanted
    > Dear all,
    > We are about to release version 1.1.0, and it would be really nice if
    > it
    > were localized into a few languages. Much has changed since the
    > 1.0.2
    > release, so the existing translations all need to be updated.
    > You can find instructions about how to localize Campcaster here:
    > http://campcaster-doc.campware.org/userLocalizationInstructions.html
    > Ferenc
  • Frans van Berckel wrote:
    > Ferenc and Sava,
    > Can we send this message to the localizer-list as well ...
    > Frans van Berckel

    We have a localizer-list? Geez, we really must put our lists in order.
    I'll send it to the campware-all list; I think most people we want to
    reach are on that one.

  • we sure do. and it's gonna get some traffic tonight.


    Ferenc Gerlits
    11/22/06 11:52 AM
    Please respond to campcaster-dev

    To: campcaster-dev@campware.org
    Subject: Re: [campcaster-dev] localizers wanted

    Frans van Berckel wrote:
    > Ferenc and Sava,
    > Can we send this message to the localizer-list as well ...
    > Frans van Berckel

    We have a localizer-list? Geez, we really must put our lists in order.
    I'll send it to the campware-all list; I think most people we want to
    reach are on that one.
