Re: [campsite-support] Installation help
  • This means, campsite did not find php executable file.
    1) If you have it installed (full php, not only apache module) please
    look for the path. I am afraid you will have to go through sources and
    edit them to fix it.
    2) If you do not have it installed, install it and try.

    3) If all these steps are too weird for you, simply find a better
    hosting Smile


    On Sat, 2006-02-25 at 16:43 +0100, wrote:
    > Author: BODJR
    > Link:,3581,3581#msg-3581
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Hi everyone,
    > I am using the most recent version of campsite. I was hoping someone might be able to point me to the confiuration file where I can declare where my PHP installation it. It seems my host has PHP in a rather obscure location, /home/blackout-design/www/cgi-bin/php
    > When installing I am recieving the following error:
    > Preparing install scripts...PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) not found. Please i
    > nstall this package
    > I am SSHing into the box. Any help would be greatly apprciated I am attempting to setup a test environment for an outreach project.
    > Jack