[campsite-support] Topic languages
  • Hi

    Another problem I'm having (hopefully the only remaining) is with
    topics. I can create a bunch of topics, but when I try to attach topics
    to an article it just says "No topics".

    Unless I change the parameter f_language_selected=18 to
    Then I get a list of all topics but I can't attach them as it thinks
    that the article doesn't exist in that language.

    I should add that the articles in question are in Swedish, so I created
    that language myself.

    Erik Dal
  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • Yes, that is a bug in 2.4. In version 2.5, coming out March 1st, you
    will be able to translate topics and so the list wont be empty anymore.
    The change you made is perfectly fine and wont cause any problems.

    - Paul

    Erik Dal