Re: [campcaster-support] brand spanking new to it all
  • wrote on 02/08/2007 03:01 PM:
    > Author: breephd
    > Link:,5236,5236#msg-5236
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > greetings fellow campcasters. i have just loaded ubuntu onto a pc and wiped "windows" off the HDD completely. great feeling. after i installed ubuntu, i tried to follow the directions to get campcaster up and running. i have failed miserably. first, i downloaded all 12 files that i saw under the download section on "source forge" is it? i then tried to install or extract these files, but no clue what was going on. then, i tried to follow directions to get things going using the "terminal" and various commands. nada.
    > here is what i can figure out so far: in order to get campcaster to show up as an application on ubuntu - one must download specific files. which files exactly, i am not sure. then, what comes next? when you have the files on your screen - what do you do with them? i tried putting them all into one file folder - hoping that they would then be able to find/see each other - and i started looking for a file that would start or run stuff.
    > so, basically, i am looking for some basic advice - what is the basic gist of installation. like one or two sentences explaining it in clear langauge (for a dummy like me). then how exactly is it accomplished.


    The easiest way of installing is using Synaptic (System ->
    Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager).

    * First you add the Campware repository to your list of sources; here
    is how:

    * click the Reload button;

    * click the Search button, and enter "campcaster"; wait until the 3
    campcaster packages show up;

    * click the box next to "campcaster-studio", select "Mark for
    Installation", and click the Mark button in the window which pops up;

    * click the Apply button; wait until the packages are installed;

    * close Synaptic.

    This is also how you can install any other packaged software, so it's a
    good thing to learn. The sourgeforge files are for advanced users.

    campcaster-support mailing list
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  • Thanks. I was finally able to get it on the screen. i loaded all three of those packages that it found. is there anything else i will need?