brand spanking new to it all
  • greetings fellow campcasters. i have just loaded ubuntu onto a pc and wiped "windows" off the HDD completely. great feeling. after i installed ubuntu, i tried to follow the directions to get campcaster up and running. i have failed miserably. first, i downloaded all 12 files that i saw under the download section on "source forge" is it? i then tried to install or extract these files, but no clue what was going on. then, i tried to follow directions to get things going using the "terminal" and various commands. nada.

    here is what i can figure out so far: in order to get campcaster to show up as an application on ubuntu - one must download specific files. which files exactly, i am not sure. then, what comes next? when you have the files on your screen - what do you do with them? i tried putting them all into one file folder - hoping that they would then be able to find/see each other - and i started looking for a file that would start or run stuff.

    so, basically, i am looking for some basic advice - what is the basic gist of installation. like one or two sentences explaining it in clear langauge (for a dummy like me). then how exactly is it accomplished. do i have to spend some weeks reading about linux and how it works before i should even be attempting this? i do have the "moving to ubuntu linus" book and am reading fast...