We did not yet compile Campcaster on Xandros, but are glade to support
you. Isn't it true that the Xandros fundamentals are based on Debian?
Please if you want to build for the first time on Xandros start from
scratch, by taking the sources from the SVN repository, so we can take
care of changes needed.
It's good to know we are gonna release a new tarball within some weeks
so your building experiences with Xandros is useful.
Beware not all distributions are based on the same library versions so
maybe you've got to look into prerequisites and settings. If so you need
to update the settings file campcaster/etc/debian/control.
If you have questions on the fly, we have an IRC channel where the
Campcaster developers hang out. You can visit it by using an IRC client
irc.freenode.net, #campcaster.
Frans van Berckel
On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 20:03 +0100, phorum@code.campware.org wrote:
> Author: earltnm
> Link: http://code.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5125,5125#msg-5125
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Trying to download and install Campcaster. Using linux Xandros and not sure which of the 11 or so files I need to download, and then in which order I need to install them. Any help much appreciated. I tried install Lib and the studio files but neither completed succesfully. Thanks!