LiveSupport 1.1
  • Hi there!

    I just was wondering if the new version of LiveSupport will do support Shoutcast broadcasting. Are you working in it?

    I was trying to do it by myself a few months ago, but I couldn't make it work without a sound card installed on the server. Unfortunately, I can't install any sound card on since it's so far away from my home, so what I may do?

    If someone is interested in let LiveSupport working with Shoutcast and have a soundcard installed and working on his/her server please let me know through the forum.


  • 1 Comment sorted by
  • I am also interested with icecast support.
    And a default playlist. I mean making by hand 24/7 is a lot of work. A default playlist playing when no other playlist is would be nice. Or a random playlist.